Part 39

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There's a saying in Xhosa that goes "Akho mini ibekwa inga fiki"-I would translate it but it sounds better in Xhosa-. Today was the 10th of January my wedding day. Mom and Mahle walked into my room with a cupcake with a candle all jolly and hippy screaming and mom ululating. I had a videographer and a photographer for the day and Dan had his own. My phone rang and it was him.

//Him: Nervous?

Me: Excited. You?

Him: Nervous

Me: hahaha are you thinking of dumping me?

Him: actually that's the reason I called ey

Me: to dump me on the day we suppose to get married?

The ladies laughed at me

Him: you would hunt me down and kill me

Me: damn right I would. You not allowed to do that

Him: anyway Beautiful. I can't wait to see you

Me: I can't wait to see you too Handsome

Him: I love Ma 'Ndalo

Me: hahaha you saying that for the last time you know

Him: I know which is why it's so fun

Me: Yeah yeah bye now I need to shower

Him: tell me you love me too

Me: I love you too Mr Hlathi

Him: I love you most future Mrs Hlathi//

I was blushing like anything. Mr Hlathi tickled my fancies.

Mom: look at you all blushy blushy

Ama: ncooooh mahn. I'm glad he does this to you

Me: hahaha shut up you two and let me shower

I left them in my room and went to shower, they had already showered and were dressed wearing gowns. The videographer was to take a video of everything that was to take place for the day and so did the photographer. The photographer captured every moment including shots of me and my daughter, me and my mom, me and my bridesmaids and everything. at 9 we headed to the lodge and the wedding was going to start at 10am. Last night Amahle came back around 9 and I won't lie I was expecting her later than that. We got to the Venue around 9:30 and at 10am the girls left the room. I was left in my thoughts thinking of what to say to my soon to be hubby. While left in thoughts Thandolwethu Ngesi walked in my room as I was busy admiring myself in the mirror.




I know I promised Mahle I wouldn't come but I had to see her one last time before she became a "Mrs whatever". I had to know whether she was really done with me and never looking my way again. Last time I saw her was when we went for holidays as a family.

Her: Thando

Me: Sinobomi

Her: I.... What are you doing here?

Me: I needed to see you

Her: what? Why?

Me: I know I'm the last person you expect to see, especially not today

Her: Thando what do you want? What are you doing here?

Me: like I said. I needed to see you

Her: well you've seen me, now you can go

Me: Sino you making a mistake

Her: mistake?

Me: you can't marry this guy

Her: and why is that?

Me: because he's not right for you

Her: oh and you are?

Me: Yes, and you know it. Sino I never stopped loving you and you know it. What I did those years ago was wrong

Her: is that what you call it? Wrong?

Me: I made a mistake and I've been paying for it since that day you left me

Her: Thandolwethu you cheated on me with the same woman who was molesting our daughter.

Me: I know that and I blame myself for not being there for her

Her: You know what. Just leave Thando and never come back! The last thing I need right now is you doing this to me! There's a man out there waiting for me to walk down that aisle and he loves me dearly

Me: this is all too premature Sino. It's too soon. What about the kids?

Her: The kids adore him and they all each gave me their blessings to be with him. Thando why can't you be happy for me like I am happy for you and your new girl

Me: I want to be happy for you but I can't bare the thought seeing you with someone else Sino

Her: Thando please just leave

We were disturbed by a knock.

Her: come in.

Her mom walked in

Mom: Sinobomi you have a number of gue...*she noticed me standing across Sino* Thando. I thought you weren't coming?

Me: Hello Mah.

Her: He was just leaving.

Mom: Your future husband is panicking out there honey. He thinks you bailing on him.

Me: oh. Goodbye Sino. I hope you making the right choice and that this is really what you want. Enjoy your wedding.

I walked out and left her with her mom looking stunned.




I've been standing here for the past 20min such that her mom got up from her seat and went to check on her. I was praying so hard that she didn't stand me up on our wedding day of all days, but then again this is the same woman who texted me "I can't do this, It's over." just yesterday morning. I mean I woke up to that harsh text and dare I say I was convinced that she really ended things but I had to hear her say it and thank the good lord she didn't end things. You see the love I have for Sino is mad love, you see I loved my wife and my child but Sino made me feel some type of way like never before I mean it's not that she made me forget my family but she sure did bring out a side of me I never knew existed. So her not walking down that red carpet got to me, I was scared. Terrified even. I mean what if she doesn't want to marry me anymore? I was beyond Panic! Finally, she came down the aisle looking the most beautiful I had ever seen her, I couldn't help but shed a tear at how beautiful she was. The tears were those of joy. That joy that she didn't stand me up so thank god! She was walking with her mother who seemed to look younger by the day. They got to the front and her mother gave me her hand and I took it into mine. and she wiped my tear, the crowd chuckled.

Pastor: If we may all be seated

Everyone sat down.

Him: Today I stand before you joining this two souls Daniel Hlathi and Sinobomi Ndalo in marriage.

Said all the important stuff which I won't bore you with.

Him: The lovely couple prepared their own vows for today.

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