Part 40

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Seeing him cry like that was heart-warming. I know I probably scared him but Thandolwethu happened. He leaned in close to me and whispered. Good God my husband was all kinds of beautiful and hot.

Him: First things first, Don't ever scare me like that again.

Me: I don't plan to

Him: Uhhhm this woman standing before me is thee most craziest woman I have ever met. I'm convinced she's pms'ing as we speak*The crowd laughed* no like you guys don't understand. She dumped me yesterday morning via an sms*Everyone laughed again* you laugh now but trust me it hurts ok! But on the real thou, Sinobomi Ndalo The perfect word to describe you is beautiful, but beauty can only say so much, Beauty is just a seed that needs some motivation to be fruitful but as I admire your face while we stand in this certain place before these people I smile because I know I hit the jackpot with you because there's no other person I would rather stand here with today. I know words are meaningless without actions but I want you to know that I care about you and best believe I will show actions for as long as I live, I really really really never want to lose you Sino, you the woman I've been longing to have. And yes you not the most perfect person there is but you are to me. Sinobomi Ndalo Ndiyakuthanda with all that I am and all that I will ever be.

By the time he was done I was in tears and so was he. *He put the ring on my finger* Everyone cheered and ululated.

Me: uhhm and how do you suppose I compete with that??? *People laughed and I giggled. * no but seriously you just set the bar really high Mr Hlathi, I've even forgotten what I had memorised to say to you

People chuckled and some said ncooh

Me: Hahaha married women understand why I did that ok*People laughed* but I have to say that from afar you looked like a shadow a perfect reflection of what I've been looking for, wishing and hoping for when you get closer everything would be clear, you are clearly My perfect reflection and I've seen all of this in the way you smile. The way you talk and laugh when we together and when we around people. The way you call my name as if it's the only name that exists in this world. Daniel I was confused on how you were perfect in every single way but now I know God sent me My perfect reflection, something I've always prayed for. Someone I've wished for upon a star for and now that today is finally here how can I let it go? Why would I even want to? Daniel Hlathi You are my perfect reflection. And I love you more than words can describe and best believe you will NEVER lose me. As of today you and I are one and whatever you go through, I go through. Today I promise to be by your side at all times. Heck you are stuck with me til death Mr Hlathi *I put the ring on his finger*

I am an emotional woman and by the time I was done with those vows I was in tears and so was my soon to be hubby. Everything was just perfect. You see traditional weddings don't normally have vows they just get into the program and stuff or maybe that is done at my home alone. My husband and I wanted that traditional meets White wedding vibe and we achieved it. My last wedding, I went all out and had both white and traditional but this time I wanted a mix of both, and so did Daniel.

Pastor: I know pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride.

We kissed briefly because parents and kids. People were cheering and ululating for us then we headed inside for the reception/Umembeso. Turns out Daniel had hired Moneoa to perform at the wedding and he knew that she was my FAVE of all times. She sang so beautifully with her angelic voice it was my perfect wedding and everything turned out perfectly and more than I had imagined it to be. People were making their speeches and then came up Daniel's brother.

Him: Uhhhm first of all you guys look Beautiful and Perfect. I'm not big on words, heck I don't even understand why I'm in the program. I'm just joking people I actually have a lot to say to these two but mostly to the new Mrs Hlathi. My brother knew he wanted to marry you from the very first day he saw you no lie, He called me same time and told me about this beautiful drop dead gorgeous woman he met and wants to wife. Now of cause I didn't buy that I mean he sounded crazy but I now know he was a man in love. When I met Sino and got to know her I said to him "Danny you'll be an idiot to let this one slip right of your fingers" and he said I don't plan to. Looking at the two of you sitting there I think the guests can agree that the love you two share is strong, it's so strong that it rubs onto all of us. Like there's just love in this hall and everyone can feel it because of you two. Sis Sino thank you. Thank you for making my brother the happiest he has ever been. Thank you bringing light into his life and most of all thank you for managing to keep him away from work and actually giving he and I something much better to talk about either than work. You guys don't understand. Daniel never spoke of anything either than stock and everything else all business but ever since Sino came into his life our conversations are actually interesting, we are able to talk for more than an hour about Sino. Sometimes I want to believe he is obsessed but what's love without obsession huh? I mean who else is he supposed to be obsessed with if not his woman? So Sino thank you for being this amazing light in my brother's life and making him the man he is today. We love you and we welcome you to our family.

I blew him a kiss and because truly I was honoured. Then Tabisa spoke a few words and so did Daniels colleagues. They all spoke so beautifully and now it was Ama's turn.

Her: Hlathi is fortunate enough to have her but so is she to have Mr Hlathi. Mr Hlathi and I spoke he said I can call him dad or Daniel but I chose Dad because that's what he has been to me from the very first day. This man spoils my mom rotten but he also spoils her kids too. If we go out of the way, he makes sure to bring us in check and for that I am thankful dad. Dad asked me to help him pick a ring and because of the role he had played in our lives I was more than willing because my siblings and I couldn't see any man better for mom than he is. People have been going on and on about how lucky he is to have mom forgetting that mom is also lucky to have him. Ever since he has come into mom's life she's never been happier and she's never been this relaxed and for that I thank you Dad. She was a good woman before you but now she is a great one and all credit goes to you. Dad we love you and we wish you nothing but greatness and happiness for as long as you live. Dad stay awesome always and forever and continue making her as happy as she makes you. Take good care of my mom like you have been doing while I was in varsity. And mom take care of that man sitting next to you. I love you both.

And with that she came to hug me then made her way back to her seat. Hearing my daughter speak like that of another man either than her father was pleasing to the heart. I was glad that she loved Daniel as though he were her own blood. People came up and spoke many sweet things, at that moment I really felt like royalty as though I were a queen being showered with nothing less than love. It was time for my mom's give away speech and dare I say I was scared and excited at the same time.

Her: Uhhm where does a mother start in giving her one and only away huh? When Sino told me she wanted to get married on the 10th January the only person I could think of was her father who would be turning 68 today. God bless his soul. My baby we both know that wherever your father is he is proud of you and he is looking down on you right now and probably bragging that you his one and only daughter is the most Awesome person the world has ever known and is yet to know but then again I am not here to talk to Sino but am here to talk to the Hlathi's. Daniel I've known you for some time now and I must say you have made me proud of you son, the way you came in unexpected was just something else and seeing how well you treat my baby makes me believe that you come from a good home raised by good people which is why I give you my baby willing hoping that you will treat her as well as your son does. Now one thing you should know is that I am a mother who would do anything and everything for her baby especially if they are the only one you have. Me giving her to you does not mean that she no longer has a home at the Ndalo residence, trust me she does and I will never send her back to you guys if she comes crying to me because she will always be my daughter one way or another. BoHlathi take care of my baby girl as much as your son has.

This woman did not once shed a tear all this time she was speaking but I on the other hand was in floods of tears. Yes, she was very much strict on them but hey I get where she was coming from because even I wouldn't feel comfortable giving any of my kids away. She gave me a super tight hug and I whispered thank you in her ear and she broke the hug and then hugged my husband then went back to her seat. Daniel's Uncle, his father's brother Mbulelo stood up to give a welcoming speech into the Hlathi family.

Him: As the Hlathi's we would like to thank the Bele's for giving us such a beautiful soul. Your daughter has been nothing but amazing to our son and to us. John said it all during his speech earlier on so I won't bother saying much either than Thank you to the Ndalo's and we promise to keep her well and happy at all times, I mean after that speech Mrs Ndalo gave, who would dare go against her word huh?! Anyway Mambele we love you and we promise to keep you as you were brought to us, happy and in good shape. Son you heard your mother in law, be good to her as you have been this time you've known her. She's a priceless Gem, the rarest in this world. We welcome you Sinobomi Ndalo and you are in safe hands.

The love these people have for me is beyond words and their words aren't just words like any, they have actions. They've welcomed me with open arms because that's just the kind of people they are. Their son is a true reflection of who they are as a family, not saying they the perfect in-laws but they sort of are and for that I am grateful.



A special thank you to Sphumelele Nhlabathi the writer of Imagination Unleashed

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