Part 12

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After his ahem had gone down, we made our way to the room. I handed Sbu his plate, and they ate as though they hadn't had a home-cooked meal in ages. When they were done, I took the dishes to the kitchen, where Siya and Aya were preparing to wash them. Pouring juice for us, we drank and then settled into conversation about general topics, but Sbu couldn't seem to keep his eyes off Sage. Typical Sbu, if you ask me. Siya and Aya were busy with the dishes.

"So, Sbu, any Joburg chick that's caught your eye?" I inquired.

"Nah, not really," he replied casually.

"And the white chick that tagged you in a post on Instagram?" I pressed.

"Oh, Ash? Nah, there's nothing there," he dismissed.

"She's this super fly chick who lives one floor away from us. She's Entle's flatmate," Sandz added.

"Oh," was all I managed.

"Yeah. They're cool chicks. You should meet them; I'm sure you'd love them," Sandz suggested.

"You should call me when you're with them again so I can thank Entle for the song too," I noted.

"So, Sage, are you seeing anyone?" Sbu directed his question to Sage.

"Nah, I'm riding solo," Sage replied nonchalantly.

"How's that possible? Pretty girls are never single," Sbu insisted.

"Well, I am. And so is your twin," Sage retorted.

"Argh, Siya is a special case. No man would ever be able to handle her," Sandz chimed in.

"She would attack you if she heard you," I pointed out with a chuckle.

"Hahaha, that girl is crazy, but I like her," Sage admitted.

"Yeah, that she is," Sbu agreed.

"But the love she has and how overprotective she is of her loved ones, it's just amazing," I interjected.

"I can testify to that. She's the reason I don't date," Sbu confessed.

"What does she do?" Sage inquired curiously.

"She scares them away and brings him a decent one, but my nigga here can't handle a decent one," Sandz explained, gesturing towards me.

"All the chicks that have met her vowed to never come to my crib again, bruh," Sbu added with a sigh.

"And today at Howard, there was this guy who tried getting her attention by bumping himself into her. She dropped her file in the process, and she went all fully blown Xhosa mode on the poor guy. It was hilarious. Jen was ripped," I recounted with a grin.

"Oh my god! I can imagine the poor guy," Sbu exclaimed, amused.

"By the time she was done with him, the guy had even forgotten what he wanted to ask. Siya was like, 'Jonga ke bhuti, next time uzigilisa intombazana ongayaziyo, uzucinge mna vah?' (Next time you bump yourself into a chick you don't know, think of me), and the guy was like, 'Xolo sisi, asoze ndiphinde' (I'm sorry. I'll never do it again). I stopped her before she could respond," I narrated, recalling the incident.

"Was she having a bad day or something?" Sage wondered.

"Let me tell you about Siya. She needs not a bad day to snap at a person, especially if that person is busy doing shitty stuff," Sandz explained.

"One of the reasons we all love to hate her. She tells you the unfiltered truth," Sbu added with a smirk.

"There are days I just want to kill her, Sage. Like, you have no idea," I admitted with a sigh.

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