Part 15

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I spotted Damon and went to him.

Me: I didn't think you would come

Him: I said I was coming didn't I

Me: let me go fetch my bag

He went with me and he took my suitcase for me.

Him: what do you have in here? Rocks

Me: hahaha very funny. Its shoes and clothes

Him: I didn't think you would be back this early

He unlocked the car and put my bag in the boot. We got in.

Me: yeah well situation forced me to

Him: have you been crying?

Me: no. Why?

Him: puffy eyes

Me: it's from sleeping

Him: I've seen you after you've just woken up and you mos def. don't get get puffy eyes from sleeping

Me: you so observant. please just take me to the flat

Him: whatever the lady wants

He started the car and drove off. The road was quiet which is odd because he is not a quiet one.

Him: you ok?

Me: yeah

Him: hungry?

Me: no

Him: oh well let's get you something to eat anyway

He stopped at B.P garage and went to buy something. After sometime he came back with a plastic full of comfort food, I'm talking chips (Doritos and Simba), chocolate and sweets and my fave. Fries.

Him: here you go

Me: what's this for?

Him: you

Me: why?

Him: I'm just being nice

Me: how am I supposed to finish all this?

Him: we'll eat it together then

Me: ok then

He drove to the flat and parked in front of the door. I looked for my key in my bag and found it then I got off with this bag of goodies. He took my suitcase out, locked the car then we headed inside. The flat looked empty, the lights were off so I figured they went out or something. We went to my room and he sat on the double the couch. I went to my bedroom and closed the doors and changed into my pjay shorts and vest then went to join him.

Me: thanks for the ride

Him: no problem

I went to fetch bread in the kitchen and poured us juice then went to join him in the lounge.

Him: thanks

Me: you welcome

We ate in silence, he kept stealing glances at me

Me: what is it Damon?

Him: what happened in Joburg Boobie?

I was hoping he wouldn't ask that.

Me: nothing

Him: did he hurt you?

Me: what? stop being ridiculous

Him: then? why are you back early?

Me: I told you

My phone rang and it was Sandiso. I rejected his call. I could feel Damon's look pierce through my skin.

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