Part 37

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Things were just perfect between me and Mahle and soon it was her mother's wedding tomorrow and I was flying down to EL tonight. I haven't seen her in a whole flipp'n month and it's been hell. I swear I head blue balls. But all that was going to change when I get to EL. I booked myself into ICC hotel for the weekend, I was going to arrive there later on but first I had business to take care of. Jade. I'm sure you wondering what's that about. Jade and Dwaine are suddenly a couple and I am pretty certain that Mr doesn't know what his girl did. I called Dwaine up for a meeting because he was still sending me these pictures of my girlfriend and it was really getting to me seriously. I asked him to meet somewhere private and I bought the tape with me in case he wants proof that his girlfriend is not what he thinks she is. He called me to his flat in over port.

Him: The Famous Damon Bess

Me: Dwaine.

Him: by all means. come in

I went in after him.

Him: can I offer you something to drink?

Me: can we get onto the real reason we here

Him: oh right. please sit

I sat on a single couch and he sat on the other.

Him: so why did you want to meet up with me?

Me: why are you sending me pictures of my girlfriend?

Him: I haven't been sending you any pictures. Frankly I don't even know your girlfriend

Me: if it's not you then who?

Him: you tell me. Man I don't know you but I do know you once hurt my girlfriend

Me: she earned it

Him: enlighten me please

Me: oh she didn't tell you? She slept with two of my best friends

Him: oh?

Me: yep

Him: sound like a bitter ex to me

Me: Your girlfriend is threatening me and she's using my girlfriend to get to me

Him: and you picked all that up from?

Me: I know Jade. I've known her since I can remember

Him: oh?

Me: did she tell you what she did to your brother?

Him: how do you know Calvin?

Me: I just do

Him: How?

Me: ask your girlfriend how. I have some business to take care of

Him: you not going anywhere

Me: who's to stop me? Listen, tell Jade to stop these games she's playing or else she will know what I'm made of

I got up and headed to the door

Me: tell her if she sends me one more threat, one more time I will end her

And with that I left.




It was the morning before my wedding at 7am. You ever notice how stressful the day before your wedding is? Its literally the worst day ever, yes I had a planner and a maid of honour and bridesmaids taking care of things but I couldn't help but stress. The stress got so bad that I texted him and told him it was over between us. he called me.

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