Part 25

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Mahle and I spoke for more than an hour. I decided to go take a shower. I was in a happy mood; I was so happy I even forgot the crisis we were facing at the firm. If only she knew how she made me feel, Lord knows. Mahn I was in love with her, I loved every inch of her and every curve she had. She was beautiful inside and out and best believe I plan to treat her right. Lucky me she and the ex-love of her were cousins so I needn't worry about her getting back together with him so yep I was on cloud 9 and I was sure that she was going to be mine for as long as I live. When I was done showering around 5:30 I did the necessities and ironed something to wear and then made me breakfast. When everything was done I headed to my car and drove off to the building. I got a call from my father.

//Him: Damon

Me: Father

Him: where are you now?

Me: driving to the office why?

Him: I sent you footage on your email son. I know who is responsible for the fire

Me: does that mean I can go back to Durban?

Him: not yet. Patience. You need to make sure that everything gets done accordingly there and then you can leave for Durban. This girl you rushing t...

Me: woah who said this had anything to do with a girl Dad?

Him: I know it does otherwise you wouldn't be rushing to go back

Me: geez Father. Whatever. Listen I'll check the footage when I get to work

Him: call me when the whole stuff is there. This culprit needs to pay!

Me: who is it dad?

Him: Lwando Mabuza

Me: The Manager?

Him: yep. That's the one

Me: but why?

Him: that's what I want you to find out

Me: and how do you propose I do that? I'm a damn attorney

Him: one studying to become a qualified lawyer and take over my companies someday. Deal with it son

Me: fine

Him: if you not up for th...

Me: I said fine I'll do it. Why do you keep undermining me dad?

Him: I'm not

Me: I was forced into doing Law because of these strings of law firms you own and then the next thing you are undermining me as though I can't do my job. Father please

Him: Damon rela...

Me: No dad. You and I both know that you don't have faith in me and yet I've done nothing but prove my worth to you and your firms.

Him: Son I'm sorry

Me: don't. You don't mean it so screw it dad. //

This is the story between my father and I. I'm not a daddy's boy but both my siblings are and I'm more of a mommy's boy. Ever since I was in high school I always felt like my father didn't like me as much as he loved my sister, I did anything and everything in my power to prove my worth but still it wasn't enough to make him happy. I studied law to impress him but not once has he ever uttered the words "I'm proud of you son" even when I graduated still he didn't say jack shiit to me not even a congratz typer thing so that's just one of the reasons I don't go home often and when I do I don't sleep. Only time we ever talk is when its work related stuff and nothing more. I don't know what to do any more about it. This man is pig-headed and mom says he and I don't get along because I'm a younger better version of him. If you've never had Daddy problems, then you wouldn't understand. Nothing I do is ever good enough for this man you guys. He tried calling but I didn't respond to any of his calls.

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