Part 3

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Aya extracted her laptop and modem, efficiently arranging everything as I reached out to the girls on WhatsApp to coordinate the setup of their equipment. In no time, we were ready to proceed. The group chat was a buzz with greetings.

"Hey lovers," Aya and I chimed in.

"Bitches," Siya playfully retorted.

"Hey lovey's," Karen joined the conversation.

"Babies," Alex added.

"When are you coming here, Siya?" I inquired.

"Tomorrow, babies, chill," Siya reassured.

"I miss you guys," Aya expressed.

"You just saw us today, babe," Alex reminded her.

"I miss ya'll too. Monday, I'm going to Cape Town," Kay shared exciting news.

"That's exciting. Cape Town is beautiful," I commented.

"Guys, I got a bursary to study medicine at Unitra," Alex announced.

A collective scream erupted from all of us.

"Didn't we tell you to chill? Everything is gonna work out," I reminded her.

"You did, and thanks, guys. Thanks for having my back," she said, teary-eyed.

"Hey, don't cry," Aya comforted.

"Yeah, don't cry. That's what sisters are for. Now you can get that degree and be my personal GP," Kay teased.

"I won't disappoint you guys, and that's a promise," Alex assured.

"Guys, quit it. You're gonna make me cry," Siya admitted.

"Me too. Let's talk about something fun," I suggested.

"Like you meeting a 'white HOT jerk'," Aya playfully added, drawing inverted commas.

"What?" Kay reacted.

"What about Sands?" Siya asked.

"Like she said, that guy was a jerk. Plus, I love my Sandiso. I wouldn't cheat on him, even if Chris Brown asked me out. I'm a huge fan of Breezy," I affirmed.

"Ooooh... Hahaha, I'm glad to hear that because Sands is mad about you," Alex revealed.

"Yeah, I know he does," I acknowledged.

The lively conversation continued until the clock struck 2 am.


Saturday had dawned, and the presence of my mom marked the start of an eventful day.

"Girls, wake up!" Bomi declared, abruptly pulling our blankets off.

"Mhmm," I groaned in response.

"Wake up, girls! We have a lot to do today!" Bomi insisted.

"Hanana," Aya protested.

"What time did you guys sleep?" Bomi inquired.

I raised two fingers, indicating a mere two hours of sleep.

"One more hour, okay?" Bomi granted.

"Thanks," Aya muttered under the blankets as Bomi exited our room.

After what felt like another hour or two, Tee interrupted our slumber.

"Girls, wake up now. We have to leave Durban at 3 pm," Tee urged.

"Fine. Chomp, let's go shower," Aya suggested.

"Thank you. Go together; I'll make the bed meanwhile," Tee offered.

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