Part 36

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I was kind of slightly mad at Sandiso. I mean after everything that's happened he's still that same asshole I met back in grade 10. Damon called me and I didn't hesitate to answer.

//Him: Angel

Me: my knight in shining armour

Him: what's up Boobie?

Me: nothing. Aren't you supposed to be in court?

Him: case is over pumpkin. I'm on my way to your place

Me: yeeepie!

Him: you need fries.

Me: says who?

Him: your voice my bhabha

Me: you know me all too well

Him: I make it my duty to know my lady

Me: and you wonder why I love you so much?

Him: yeah well you'll be blaming me when that ass gets fatter

Me: well what can I say, you the one doing the junk buying here

Him: hahahaha anything to make you happy. you know what they say, happy girl happy life

Me: yeah whatever! Where are you anyway?

Him: I just got to bp babe

Me: then you might as well get me my fave chocolate

Him: see you in a few

Me: na.a you not cutting this call on me

Him: and why's that?

Me: cause I'm enjoying this duh!

Him: usudlala ngami manje! (now you just playing with me)

Me: usuyakhuluma manje? (you speak Zulu now?)

Him: wasn't that Xhosa?

Me: no idiot! The Xhosa version of what you should have said is "udlala ngam ngoku"

Him: well I'm learning

Me: baby steps bhabha

Him: hold on let me pay for your things

Me: did you have to be specific like that?

Him: only because uyahlupha missy (you're a handful)

Me: just drive and get your ass here

Him: I just parked, chill lady!

Me: we'll drop the call when you get here

Him: is that a question?

Me: no! I'm telling you dummy!

Him: I think I have a bully of a girlfriend here

Me: yeah well it is what it is

Him: you the least romantic person there is here

Me: yeah well you love me like that

Him: stop talking and just open the damn door!

Me: coming Nuni//




I don't know which hole God got this one for me but I sure am thankful she's all mine. She opened the door looking Hot as ever with her cute bunny slippers I got her last Friday. She opened the gate and the first thing she did was grab the plastic bag! Mahn if I didn't know better I would swear she was preggies but then again she eats when she's pissed/mad or something.

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