


After Damon's text i called mom telling her i was on my way back to Mthatha and she was super happy to hear those news and after the phone call i turned the iPhone off and plugged my earphones into my samsaung and started playing music as I drowned myself in thoughts til i fell asleep. 6 hours and 30min later i was in Mthatha and mom was waiting for me at the bus station waiting for me.

Me: mom

Her: my baby

She hugged me for the longest then broke the hug and observed me

Me: what?

Her: i'm checking if New York didnt hurt you or anything

Me: hahaha mom relax i'm still perfectly fine ok

Her: i trust Damon took good care of you and you not pregnant

Me: geez mom. I'm not pregnant ok and yes Damon took care of me

Her: ok thats good. wanna drive?

Me: i'm too tired

Her: i thought you loved the i8

Me: i'll love it when its mine

Her: forget it. It will never be yours princess

Me: oh come on. You not a fan of sports cars

Her: i love this one though. How many times will we have this conversation?

Me: as many times as we need to til its mine

Her: You not my child. I think i took the wrong one

Me: hahaha ouch mom

Her: you were meant to be your grandmother's child i swear

Me: love you too mummy

Her: where do you want to eat?

Me: Mugg and Bean please

Her: Mugg and Bean it is then

She drove us off to Ngebs and shocking enough she was known and they took us to a table for two.

Me: i see you're a regular here

Her: not a regular really

Me: then what?

Her: well.... my husband owns the place and i do business for him from time to time so yeah

Me: wait, Dad owns this place?

Her: yep

Me: since when?

Her: since it opened. He apparently has the most shares here

Me: another place for me to eat free

Her: hahaha no you wont be eating free here missy

Me: how boring. Whats the point of owning most of the company if you wont be able to eat free

Her: hello this is a mall and my husband is renting this space sweeteart

Me: ncoooh thats cute. I want a husband too

Her: not yet. when the time is right

Me: how boring you are

Her: watch it, i'm still your mom

Me: yeah yeah mom fine

Her: so tell me about New York

Me: what do you want to know?

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