Her: hey you! I will hit you little girl

Me: love you too Hlehle




Losing both my grandparents at the same time was not cool at all. These people practically raised me when Bomi walked out on us, you see when she left with Mahle those years ago they moved to PE to help dad raise us to the people we are today so having my second parents gone was not going to be easy. Their death got to me real bad, I wasnt eating and i was barely social. My life was on a stand still, my phone was a phone but it was off. Mahle has tried to get me to eat but still nothing and Alu was in PE with Bomi, Dad and Daniel, Bomi suggested I stay here with Mahle and Gran til the new helper gets here tomorrow so as soon as she gets here i was going to be on my way to PE. I had a car of my own which Dad bought for me as a graduation present, it was a red mini cooper. I was alone in my room lost in thoughts when i heard a knock on the door. I kept quiet but the person let themselves in meaning it could only be Amahle Ngesi.

Her: Ana

Me: ....

Her: Lets go out, you, me and gran

Me: where to?

Her: Ohbrigado

Me: i dont know if i'm up for a club

Her: trust me you need it. You've been locked up in here since last week and you barely eat let alone get out of the room. I feel like i've lost my sister

Me: maybe you have

Her: dont talk like that please. I know its not easy losing the people you love but one thing i know is that they wouldnt want you doing this to yourself

Me: you barely even knew them

Her: i deserve that but come on Nathi please

Me: Mahle why did you leave? And dont tell me shiit about Dad cheating on Bomi

Her: but it is about that

Me: I'm not stupid, you think i dont know how much that house scared you when and if you visited? What happened in that house Mahle

Her: something i've moved on from

Me: Our Grandparents last saw you in Zanzibar for holidays and they wouldnt have seen you had they not been there. This thing that happened must have been big for you to also disown your Grandparents

Her: the woman they suggested to our parents to hire molested me ok. She made me do things no child was suppose to do or even witness at that age, she made me stick my tiny fingers in vagina and sometimes made me

Wait hold up. Pause. Rewind. Mahle was molested? How did I not see this? How come no one told me? I was now in tears and disbelief but she was not crying at all instead she was chilled as if she was over it

Me: No Mahle thats not true. She would ne.....

Her: she kept doing this for years Anathi. I was young and i didnt know anything

Me: No Amahle thats not true.

Her: and when mom walked out on Dad these very same grandparents blamed her for not being there enough for her husband and me so excuse me for not being in their life like you guys were

Me: they would never do that. They adored Bomi

Her: you think? Your grandparents didnt like my mother

Come to think of it only granddad liked her because grandma bad mouthed her every chance she got and she would remind me not to get too close to her because step mothers were all evil and stuff and come to think of it, she was the reason i didnt like Bomi much.

Amahle's Diary 2Where stories live. Discover now