"virgins." isaac read out the word that appeared in one of the circles on the table with the blue light. allison moved it up to the top one. "warriors."





"i have to stop him." allison sighed, throwing down her phone.

"is that really a good idea?" isaac asked. "if you dad is actually doing all this stuff-"

"if?" allison interrupted. "look at this. he knows everything. he's... hes planned everything." she reached into her pocket, pulling out the map and unfolding it.

"what are you doing?"

"if mr. westover was taken from the school, there's gotta be another point on the telluric current."

"you mean where he'll be sacrificed." isaac said walking around to the other side of the desk, holding up the torch to the map. "there. that marks new." he said tapping his finger on a point.

"then that's where he is." allison said, pulling out her phone and taking a picture. "come on let's go." allison said walking out the door. the two followed her out of the appartement building.

as they were walking up to her car, isaac held sasha back. "hey, you okay?" isaac asked her

"yeah why wouldn't i be?" sasha said, maybe a little too harshly.

"because you've been quiet ever since we got here and you stink of some type of frustration"

the girls face fell, "fuck you lahey!" she yelled before continuing walking forward.

the boy ran up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder which she shrugged off straight away. "okay look i'm sorry! are you still upset about boyd?"

"what? no! well yes, but no! god lahey! you are so stupid sometimes you know that?" she yelled at him before opening the back door to allisons car and getting in, slamming the door shut behind her. 


"you really don't think we should call scott?" isaac asked allison as the cat came to a stop outside the old factory.

"stay behind me and stay quiet." allison said before getting out of the car.

"oh...this is so not gonna end well." isaac sighed, looking back to sasha, who just rolled her eyes before getting out of the car.

the three walked quietly into the factory. "fyi, if your dad tries to kill me, i'm gonna defend myself." isaac whispered.

"if my dad tries to kill you, you'll be dead." allison said plainly, looking around the empty building

"thanks for the site of confidence."

the three walked into the building. sasha froze as a strong, disgusting smell filled her nose. the other two looked back at her. "i smell blood." she said

"where? what direction?" allison asked.

"i think it that way" sasha pointed straight ahead of them, towards another doorway.

"allison wait!" isaac hissed as the girl walked forward. the three stopped as they saw a man tied up against a fence. a figure appeared behind him. allison ran forward. "allison don't!" the two yelled at her, chasing the girl.

"get down!" allisons father's voice echoed through the room. isaac and sasha both jumped and pulled allison to the ground as argent shot his pistols. "help him!" he shouted.

the three got up and ran towards the man tied to the fence. "that's mr. westover." allison said

"its our history teacher." isaac explains to argent.

"we were wrong. it's not guardians as in law enforcement."

"it's philosophers as in teachers." sasha sighed


"you've been tracking the killer on your own this whole time?" allison asked her dad.

"yeah and i was this close. could've caught him if the theee of you-"

"so it's my fault?" allison stepped forward. "that you've been lying to me for the past two months?"

"you wanna tally up the lies, allison? i don't think you're gonna come out ahead on that one."

"hey! just a thought?" isaac intrupeted. "maybe now isn't the best time for a little family meeting? there's still one more teacher."

"the recital." argent said.

"guess we're going after all." allison sighed

"i call whatever cars laheys not in!" sasha said, walking out the door

"hey!" lahey yelled after her.


the four ran into the school hall as the school orchestra played. they stood awkwardly at the back watching as the choir began chanting, scanning the crowd for something suspicious.

as shrieking scream ran through the air, causing both sasha and isaac to cover the ears, scared their eardrums would burst. once it ended sasha looked up at the stage. a string from the piano broke, sliting the pianists neck. she fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around her. everyone gasped and stood up.

allison ran forward. "allison!" argent yelled before the three followed the girl down the aisle, bumping into everyone who was running the opposite direction.

"mistletoe." allison said, noticing the white liquid running out of the woman's mouth, mixing with the blood. sasha gagged in disgust, swallowing the vomit that was rising in her throat. she turned around, burying her head into isaacs chest as he wrapped his arms around the girl.

sashas profile in my oc book is now up!

sashas profile in my oc book is now up!

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