Just then Amber came over to us.

Am: Guys may we all go back inside for the old man to cut the cake

Meg: just in time Amber. Thanks we on our way

She said getting up and so did I. Andrew and Jen shared death stares

Me: guys let it go ok. You siblings

We all went inside and each grabbed a glass of Champaign to the living room. Dad was ready to make a toast with a cake in the shape of 66 in front of him and his wife right next to him all smiles.

Dad: first of all, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming to share this special day with me and my family, it wouldn't have been as special as it was had you all not been here today. To my beautiful wife, you made all of this possible and for that I am forever grateful to have her in my life, next month she's turning 55 by the way and we would like you all to join us again in celebration. and last but not least, thanks a lot to all of my kids for dropping all their plans to come celebrate this day with me, thanks a lot guys you mean the world to me and your mom and it's because of you I'm this grown ass man with grey hair*we all laughed at that part* no but really, I got an amazing Daughter who's a Gynea and she married a programmer whom I still don't like by the way with their amazingly beautiful daughter, and then there's my son who's soon going to take over my "strings of law firms" and then there's my youngest Damien, he's a rising hockey or rugby star, I can't keep up and he's number 1 on the team and he even has trophies to prove it, Son I'm proud of you. But then again we here to celebrate me and not my kids and their success, I like to brag by the way but I'm sure you've noticed that too. Again, thanks to each and every one of ya'll for being here and celebrating the day with me. I love you all for that. let's eat cake and be merry.

We clapped our hands.

Mom: may we all please raise our glasses for a toast to this old ass man who has been nothing but amazing. We've been married for 30 years now and every day I wish to kill him in his sleep*we all laughed* only because he loves work more than he does me sometimes. I love you David Bess. You are everything and more to me. may we all raise our glasses to my husband

We raised our glasses and clicked then drank. It was actually going good for a change. Eventually people left and I was left with the fam and we were all chilling in the lounge chatting and the old man opening his gifts.

Me: I should go

Mom: aren't you spending the night?

Me: nah. Sorry mom, I got work to do

Dad: Honey let him go. You know he's never liked being in the same room as I

Amber: Dad please. You know it's not true

Me: no sis let him be. We both know who his favourite children are anyway

Amber: Damon Stop it. That's not true

Dad: no let him speak.

Mom: NO! We will not do this(shouting). You are father and son, why can't you just for once spend a day without arguing?

Me: Bye Family.

I took my keys and headed for the door

Mom: Damon please

I ignored her and kept walking, she caught up to me and made me stop.

Me: I'm sorry for ruining your special day

Her: let's sit down. Please

She sat on the stoep and so did I.


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