I got to work and headed to the office, I opened my emails and watched the video. The video only showed Lwando leave the building and nothing about him burning the archives room but it also showed him smash the cameras in the parking lot underground which was proof enough that he might have been the one to actually burn the room. I called him to come in ASAP and he did. We were in the office together.

Him: Sir you requested to see me

Me: Take a seat

Him: ok this seems serious

Me: just take a seat Mr Mabuza

Him: ok

He sat down and I turned the video on and turned it to him. He was shocked to see the video

Him: wha..? How? I thou...?

Me: The cops are on their way

Him: Damon I'm sorry

Me: Why? Why Lwando?

Him: I.. Its jus...

Me: Why? Why burn the room? Did you think we wouldn't find out?

Him: I can't tell you why

Me: why?

Him: I just can't ok?!

Me: so you rather go to prison instead?

Him: I guess so.




I called Sina and she told me that there still wasn't any change with her brother and she asked me to meet up for breakfast with her at Wimpy the one on OWEN street opposite KFC. I did the necessary and got dressed, took my bag and phone and headed down. Mom was in the kitchen eating cereal. We greeted each other, I told her the plans and she offered to drop me off at the place. When I got there Sina was already seating in a table for 2 and so I went over to her, we hugged and then we sat down.

Me: so how are you doing?

Her: I don't know really. I'm just waiting for someone to wake me up from this terrible nightmare

Me: You and me both

Her: how are you? with everything that's happened since you got back.

Me: I feel like crap. Everything's just a mess, I just don't know how to take everything in

Her: I don't blame you ey. All this is too much to take in.

Me: you have no idea but I'm coping. I'm dealing. I just wish he would wake up so I could apologise properly you know

Her: you didn't do anything wrong honey. You and he are cousins and you didn't ask for things to turn out this way but instead they did

Me: how do we convert our relationship to a sibling relationship Snazo?

Her: I wish I could answer you. I wish I knew how you felt or what you were going through but I don't and if I know any of you two better I am sure you two will make this whole thing work out ok.

Me: I wish it were as easy as it sounds hone

Her: so how's Durban?

I just smiled and looked down

Her: I take it Durban is fun.

Me: this feels so wrong

Her: what does?

Me: I met someone

She screamed in excitement.

Me: Sinazo no! SHhh

Amahle's Diary 2Where stories live. Discover now