Hubby: and what about the person he was involved in the accident with?

Him: The person is fine, he broke an arm and fractured a leg bone

Me: so it's safe to say that he ran into my son and not the other way round?

Him: well we can speculate and say yes but that's not my field. It's the police's job

Hubby: so there's nothing you can do? It has to go to the report that he was dui?

Him: I'm afraid so.

Me: ok thank you doc.

We went to the waiting room to wait til morning. I called Sina to update her on the news.




Sandiso call pissed me off to that point of crying out of anger. I cried to sleep. I was woken up by my annoying ringtone, I checked the time and it was just after 3am. It was Sinazo.

//Her: Mahle

Me: yes

Her: Sandiso was in a car accident

Me: huh?

Her: Sandiso wa...

Me: no I heard what you said. When? How? Where?

Her: I don't have all the details but tomorrow they having him transferred to St Mary's. I just thought you should know

Me: Sinazo how did all this happen?

Her: mom mentioned him drinking and driving from lord knows where and by the looks of things he could even get arrested for this

Me: uhhm ok thank you Sina. Where are you now?

Her: I'm home watching Ty. I'm worried sick

Me: this is all my fault

Her: what do you mean?

Me: He drunk called me blaming me for our break up and I just lost it

Her: it's not your fault babe, he is the one that got in his car drunk a..

Me: if I hadn't ignored his calls maybe he wasn't even going to drive in the first place

Her: baby listen. It's no use dwelling on the could have's and should have's all that matters is that he is going to be okay and that he's going to wake up

Me: I hope so

Her: he's going to be fine. I should tell Sbu

Me: ok bye then

Her: Bye//

I couldn't help but feel bad. I blamed myself for the accident, maybe if I had answered his calls or maybe if I had let him blame me for everything he wouldn't be fighting for his life. I spent the rest of the few hours praying for God to save him, he's my cousin yes but he was my boyfriend first and I loved him endlessly. I couldn't sleep, I was pacing up and down in my room and so I decided to call Dae. it was now after 4am. He answered when I was about to give up.

//Him: Mahle is everything ok?

Me: everything is a mess and there's nothing I can do. Damon I'm scared

Him: ok calm down. just breathe first

I did as told

Him: ok. What's wrong?

Me: Sandiso was in a car accident a few hours ago and if I hadn't argued with him he wouldn't be in a hospital bed fighting for his life. It's all my fault Damon

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