Me: don't give me that look

Him: what look?

Me: this look you giving me now

My phone rang again and Damon jumped for it. SHIT!




I called Mahle again. I just wanted to know if she had arrived safely then I let her sulk or be mad or pissed or whatever. it rang and this time she answered

//Me: hey ba...

Person: I don't know what you did to her but I swear to God if I ever see you I will hurt you so bad you will wish you were never born. Don't try me!

In the background I could hear Mahle talk, sounded like she was screaming that this person give her her phone back.

Him: You have a good girl here and now you've hurt her which only pisses me off. You lucky she loves you and cares about you otherwise I would be flying to Joburg right now to find you and probably kill you

Me: gi.... //

The call was cut. Ok and who was that? Could it have been this Damon guy? I tried calling her again but this time around it went straight to voicemail. I called Aya and she answered after sometime

//Me: hi Aya

Her: what do you want?

Me: I guess I deserve that I....

Her: you deserve more than that. As a matter of fact, I shouldn't have even taken this call you're a Dick! Fuck! its people like you that give men the term "dog". Sa....

Me: I get that you mad b....

Her: Mad? oh you underestimate me. Sandiso you a f*cking bitch who can't keep his dick in his pants. You disgust me. I hope everything was worth it bruh

Me: Aya please. I know I f*cked up and no it was not worth it. I called to ask is did Mahle get home safely?

Her: I'm not home at the moment I'm at Siya's

Me: oh ok. //

Wow. So Damon is in love with her huh?! Was this it between her and I? Couldn't I do anything to win her back? I needed her in my life and I was not about to give up on her. I figured let me just sleep because thinking about her and Damon was only going to stress me out and that would lead to me drinking and stuff.




Mahle was mad at me for answering her boyfriend but I didn't care. It needed to be done.

Her: who the f*ck gave you the right to take my calls?

Me: no one I just f....

Her: exactly. No one. Leave

Me: I'm not going anywhere

Her: excuse me?

Me: I said I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you like this

Her: Damon get the f*ck out of my place

She was standing by the door with teary eyes. I stood up and went up to her

Her: don't touch me

I pulled her in for a hug. She tried fighting me but she finally gave in and she cried her eyes out. We slid down the door and I held her to my chest. I won't lie it hurt seeing her cry like that, over a low life f*ckboy who thinks he's all that and hurt the one girl who loved him so much. I know I don't know her well enough but I know she loved him and would do anything for him. She wasted her money for Christ sake and flew to joburg to surprise his stupid ass but he goes and f*cks up. We were just sitting there on the floor by her door

Amahle's Diary 2Where stories live. Discover now