Tee, with a decisive tone, proposed, "Let's just buy that full chicken and chips meal... you two, go to Pick n Pay and buy us something to drink and buns," handing us a crisp R50 note.

Excited by the mission, we eagerly replied, "Yes, ma'am!" and entered the mall-like place. Engrossed in a chat with Bae on WhatsApp, I was blissfully unaware of my surroundings until a sudden collision sent my wallet tumbling to the floor.

I mumbled, "I am so sorry."

The person responded, "I'm so sorry, miss," while helping me pick up my scattered belongings. His cologne wafted through the air, triggering a sense of familiarity, and his watch seemed oddly recognizable. Or maybe I was just imagining things.

He quipped, "You really should look where you're going next time."

I retorted, "Next time, watch where you're going." Despite being engrossed in my phone, I couldn't admit fault; after all, I'm a girl, and girls are never wrong. We spoke simultaneously. Oh, his voice was AMAZING, and there was a hint of an accent. I looked up, and my, oh my, was he YUM! Clearly a fitness enthusiast with a heavenly body. Lost in my thoughts, I only snapped back when a hand waved in front of my face. It was the white jerk from Ushaka last December. Remember him???

"Screw you," I declared, walking away.

He chimed in, "Uhhhm... miss, your wallet. We should really stop meeting like this."

"Yeah, and you should watch where you're going too, Mr. Thanks, by the way."

"I said I was sorry, no need to be rude about it."

"Yeah, whatever."

I headed into PnP, searching for Aya by the bakery with a bottle of Mango Krush.

"And then where did you disappear to?" she inquired.

"That UShaka HOT jerk bumped into me," I replied, describing him vividly.

"Did you at least get his name or number this time around?" Aya teased.

"Did you not hear me call him a jerk?"

"I heard you call him a hot one though. Of which you had the same opinion about Sandiso, who is now your boyfriend."

"That's different. Shut up."

"I'm starting to think jerks are what you're into, miss."

"This conversation is over!"

"Whatever. Let's go pay."

At the till, we paid, and I grabbed some airtime. Needed to call bae, kaloku. He and I were still madly in love. Exiting, our moms were already waiting in the car.

Tee exclaimed, "Woah hay, inoba niqale naz baker ezi buns, soze uve (you probably first baked those buns)."

Aya rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, really. Really now. The lines were long."

"Yep, they were. Probably because it's Friday," I added.

Mom intervened, "Ay, let's go. So tomorrow, we're getting you guys groceries and then we head back home."

Aya questioned, "Aren't you staying until Monday?"

Tee playfully scolded, "You guys are old enough to go there on your own tshini!"

Aya negotiated, "At least show us where the universities are."

Mom agreed reluctantly, "Fine."

Back in our flat, we ate and had a jolly time. My phone rang, and it was Bae calling. I walked to the kitchen to answer it.

Amahle's Diary 2Where stories live. Discover now