His eyes shifted to the left before the image disappeared, pulling a frustrated sigh out of me. I left the bathroom and returned to the bed, sending Cassandra a smile when she entered the bedroom. She returned the smile shyly, clearing her throat when she sat next to me and handed me the food. I let my head rest on Cassandra's shoulder as I ate, letting my mind wander back to memories with Isa.

"Yo!" Isa's voice called from the top of the castle, pulling my gaze up.

My heart stopped at the sight. Blood covered their face — yet their smile never left — and a large hand was wrapped around their throat. "I-Isa?!"

"Live for me, sis. Tell Dani that I—."

"Hey, everything okay?" Cassandra's voice pulled me from the memory, her gloved hand wiping away my tears. "What's on your mind?"

"...Isa," I whispered and buried my face in Cassandra's neck when she pulled me closer. "When they..."

"It's okay... I'll hold you until this passes."

"Th-thank you."

We stayed like that for a few minutes, her hands rubbing circles on my back until I managed to calm down. I stared at the wall in silence for a few extra minutes, my grip on her dress tightening ever so slightly. Her arms tightened around me before I felt her plant a kiss on my head, pulling a smile onto my face.

A knock at the door caused us to separate, however, when she muttered that it was her mother at the door. Ever since Isa's passing, lady Dimitrescu made a rule that no maid would date any of her daughters. I didn't mind it at first — Cassandra and I were just friends, after all — but the last few weeks had been different. She tried spending more time with me — even going as far as to have a fly following me from room to room if she couldn't be with me the entire time.

"Yes, mother?" She called and stood from the bed.

"Mother Miranda said she found some new maids for us," Lady Dimitrescu called back, causing Cassandra to swarm to the door. "They'll be here tonight. So, [Y/N], prepare some rooms?"

"O-of course, m-my lady!" I squeaked out, ignoring the heat that coated my cheeks at her chuckle.

I waited until the sound of her heels faded before standing from the bed, sending Cassandra a warm smile as I left. Once in the hallway, flies surrounded me — Daniela's giggles mixed with the overwhelming sound. With a smile on my face, I continued my path to the servant's quarters and opened the door of one of the empty ones.

"Any luck?" The softness of her voice made my chest ache yet again.

"They chose rebirth," I whispered as I removed the sheets from the bed. "Around the time I lost contact with them."

"Why weren't you informed?"

"They lost track of their soul for a while. Then they lost it again for a very long time. It was only recently spotted — as was their new body."

"How different do they look?"

I stopped and sighed, sending her an apologetic smile. "They apparently look exactly the same as before. But, since they chose rebirth, they won't remember any of us. They've also fought in wars, so they're traumatized and more scarred than you remember."

"Do you think...?"

"I hope. You two were so happy together... It'll take time, but it won't hurt to try."

Lady Daniela nodded and swarmed over to me, engulfing me in a hug. "Thank you for telling me... It hurt not knowing."

"I know," I muttered and returned the hug, holding her tight. "It hurt me too."

When we separated from the hug, Daniela left me to clean on my own after that. Hours passed of dusting, scrubbing, sweeping, and mopping rooms. By the time I had every room cleaned and new sheets on the beds, the family voice of lady Bela reached my ears. I sent a smile to her and the small group as they entered the room, bowing to them while Bela introduced me.

"This is [Y/N], she's the head maid and—," A sharp inhale from one member of the group made my head snap up, my eyes locking with oh-so-familiar hazel eyes. "Is everything alright, Isa?"

"U-uhm... Yeah, s-sorry, my lady... I just thought she... Looked familiar. Please, continue."

'Did their soul recognize me?'

Forbidden Love [Fem!reader x Cassandra] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now