"Don't know. Seems serious." Evan says.

"Czy to może być od wujka Opalsa?" Sawyer says in a different language and I glare at him.

"I know one word in that sentence. You said my name. I'm assuming you guys think it's Whit." I deadpan and both Sawyer and Evan look at each other, confirming what I said.

"głupek." Evan smacks the back of Sawyers head. (Polish: dumbass)

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Evan turns to Avery.

"How could I?" Avery shrugs.

"Easy. Like you did this morning?" Sawyer snaps.

"Hey. She was scared." I defend her and Sawyer looks at me with a harsh glare before his eyes soften.

"You should have said something sooner." Evan and Sawyer say at the same time.

"Good thing is I never leave the house." She tries to lighten the mood but that makes Evan angry.

"We need to take this to get analyzed." Evan says.

"I can do it in my lab." Sawyer says and grabs the paper.

"No. Stop." Avery says and we all turn to her.

"Death threats aren't real. I didn't tell any of you because it isn't serious. All of you were angry with Joseph. There was just a bunch of screaming and anger when I received it." Avery shrugs.

"You should  take all death threats serious, real or not." Sawyer says.

"Well, I'm still alive."

"For now." Sawyer rolls his eyes.

I hold onto my stomach as everyone is shouting if the letter is real or not.

"I think he's coming." I say, when no one hears me. I repeat it one more time, sounding hysterical as I do.

"No. Not today." Sawyer looks at the letter and then at Avery. "No, you're joking."

I start to breathe harder, the pain coming in waves, stronger with each passing moment.

I scream in pain as I bend over.

I'm not ready. I want him out but I'm terrified.

Sawyer is by my side.

"Drew get the baby bag. Evan stay here deal with the letter. Avery call Nancy tell her it's time." Sawyer starts throwing commands as he helps me to the car.

As soon as I take a step a gush of water runs down my legs.

"Sawyer, my water just broke."

"It's time!" Sawyer screams as he lifts me up and we head to the hospital.

"Stop. Stop." I tell him to put me down. "Im not going. Im not ready." I tell him. The pain comes again and I scream cry at the same time.

"Hey, if anyone can do it, it's you." Sawyer holds my hand as I try to keep breathing. "Opal, I'm scared. So fucking scared. But the best part is we're going to have a baby today." Sawyer smiles as he squeezes my hand.

"Okay." I whisper and we head to the hospital.

"Sawyer. You're driving crazy." My brother screams from the back.

"He is right." I agree and Sawyer glares at the both of us.

"Shut up, the both of you." He playfully says and slows down his driving.

When we make it, they take me away on the wheel chair and Sawyer and Drew both have to wait.

"Okay, you're all set." The nurse tells me.

ELUSIVE (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now