"Back To Square One"

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Note : it's too long and might not be the best way but we've reached the end so bear with it.

P. S. : be kind and as usual ignore the errors..

Her birthday had been a blissful day for her.. A surprise cake cutting with the closest friends, family and later he had taken her to Goa for a two days trip.. It was the first time where he posted a story for her and  the b'day celebration clips circulated on social media showing his presence and more or less it wasn't a secret anymore.

It was September... His family members were in the city... She was caught up with a lot work... Daily shoot, commercials, some award shows, faishon shows... He was done with his older commitments and was on the verge of signing few new things, which was on hold until his birthday...

It was the second time she joined them for dinner.. It was good... They tried to mingle and understand her and that's something she needed...

He was driving her home after the dinner...

T : jiju is very sorted..

She initiated...

K : he's...

He didn't offer any explanation but his voice said it that he meant it.

T : this is so nice...

K : what...

T : you've a big family... I mean if you guys gather together then you don't need anyone else.. It's already a group.

K : we are four... So we always were a big family...

T : we're a small one.. I mean just four of us... So I always liked with my cousins around..

She scrunched her nose saying it in a cute way...

K : there's a funny thing... My parents initially decided to have just one kid.. Pretty much my mom's idea..

She moved her head to him curiously...

T : but you guys are four..

K : that's my dad.. He convinced her..

T : woah.. From one to two or three is believable but 4..

She said as a matter of fact..

K : he always asks the three of us to be grateful to him.. It's funny how he always takes the credit..

T : omg.. So that's what he was joking at one point I guess..

She laughed out loud recalling that bit... He smiled as he tapped against the steering waiting for the green signal..

K : BTW... My sister was asking if we're planning for anything in near future then to inform them beforehand..

He suddenly popped the question even though originally he had shrugged it off saying "you would be the first one to know"... The reality was he himself didn't know where they stood..

T : as in?

He squeezed his brows at her being obtuse as the question was more or less obvious..

K : you know proposal or engagement.

It felt awkward to say... Even though they were committed and had talked about it few times it still made him uncomfortable.. He didn't like that..

T : we had discussed it already..

She thought the two years thing was final.. She said that firmly..

K : sorry...i thought We had avoided it since we're not sure.

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