Hushed - Hangovers

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Note : I still don't know how this turned out.. Please ignore the errors... I hope it's okay...


Two days went in only in whatsapp short messages and two or three calls.

He had to talk with omi and Apoorva.. They wanted to meet but he had completely avoided it.. He didn't want to be schooled on top of being disappointment.
Omi had taken all the details through an hour conversation.. He was bored and irritated to another level when jess and vg also kept confronting.. Eventually he had told them off..
He didn't bother that much when omi said "I'm going to ask teja.. You're just not very easy to talk or deal right now."

He understood why all these people were worried.. He had been a lot more fickle earlier in his life and previously something similar has happened... He was glad that he had people who cared for him genuinely..

he had no shoot or event for 2 days.. His parents weren't home either.. He rejected all the idea of gathering with his clan cause it was a perfect opportunity to just relax.. Relax meant just sitting at home, binge watching some of the series from his watchlist, catch up with some of the happenings and upcoming things so that later on he can have a better argument with his father or may be just complete a book that he had ordered to read..

She was there in his subconscious and even the idea or imagination of her had almost lured him to give in to plead her to get over there.. Even if you enjoy your own company still at the odd hours you want someone so you can just cuddle without being asked or just feel the presence that would calm you from inside.. But he didn't proceed with this idea cause it would be mrke of a disaster..

Even if you love someone deeply there would be situations or times when one would need a little off from everything to clear the the end of it the whole thing that shaked you up would make you feel like you overreacted. He needed that right that moment..

On the first day when he was back after dropping her he slept being tired.. Morning he saw some deleted messages from her.. He tried to guess and concluded She might have just asked if he reached or not and then probably had ringed up his driver.

He got up, called his parents.. Then chatted with his sisters who were getting ready for the bed.. Started a new series but anyway ended up watching some of his favourite episodes from the peaky blinders..ordered food... Again rewatched inception...

In between his mind automatically kept him redirecting towards her.. While sleeping in the bed he could feel how quite it was... If she was here she would keep ruining the amazing movie scenes by asking her doubts, It's like she had polled up these doubts so that she could ask him for life long one by one... Once she would either go to get water, Chocolate or something and twice she would send him.. In between suddenly she would pause it and fight with him to keep the remote away even though she would be aware that she's going to lose.. A part of him knew she did that knowingly so the Sci fi genre movie wouldn't get his attention and she can lure him to herself..successfully distracting him was a achievement for her..

He enjoyed the intimacy they shared and was very open about it.. By the time he would be done she would be almost sleepy and for the next few hours she would sleep as if it's no one's biz.. He would stay up arranging everything... Later he would just lean back on the head board and stare at her sleeping form.. It always confused him if she always goes into deep sleep or it's just that since he's around she becomes more relaxed.. Whatever the reason may be he would take his own time of staring, caressing from a distance and after a while would drag her close to him for the warmth....

But, sometimes she confused him.. He felt as if she didn't really took him seriously.. He saw her genuine attempt to  make things work between them but he also saw how she didn't want to flaunt the relationship..

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