Awkward?? Tea Is The Solution ;)

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By the time they reached home it was a  bit awkward.

If it was a few years ago by now he would've just asked her up front if she wanted to be his girl friend or not.
She would have jumped into this relationship expecting that he's the one.

Past experiences were a lesson but definitely came with a price.

Once they were inside she pulled the curtains so that the sun rays can enter the room.

K : tea?

T : sure? Play something in Alexa, no?

K : sure.

The songs played automatically one after other.

He received the call from Jessica while making tea.

J : happy birthday kundriiii..

Before he could even say hello she shouted.

K : than...

Before he could complete he can hear a crowd shouting
Happy birthday kundraaaa/ kundriiii.

K : thank youuu. But who all are there.

J : everyone.. Om, Vishal, Rahul, preet, Manisha, Vikas. We're just planning for the evening.

K : great, I expect it to be upto my standard.

V : ohhhhh... Standards.

Once he disconnected then again jess called.

K : what

J : why can't you give a call back? We all are trying from morning 4. Suddenly what has gotten into your a**

K : jess..

J : I've some news.. Teja called me to wish you. She was so worried that you'll spent it alone and not even cutting the cake. I sent you messages but you're too busy being alone, enjoying own company. unfortunate that's all I can say.

K : oka..

J : only if you would've attended my call things would have been so different. Go and call her dude.

He can tell jess was being dramatic. He wanted to laugh at her over dramatic dialogues.

K : listen to me.

J: hm.

K : she's here with me. I'm making tea for her.

J : whattttttt
He could hear two other voices that went like "f***" "crazzzyyyy"

K : wait... You kept them all in conference and pretended this is a one to one conversation?

Noone paid attention to him. That's what friends are for.

J : om... These two are something else dude.

O: till yesterday you guys didn't even discuss about it.

Vikas : hahahhah.. These people were planning to be cupids. I just knew it.

O: seriously bro.. Let's talk later. We're worried for nothing.

J : here I was planning to arrange a date.

V : two people were being so motivational that I felt like vomiting.

J : go to hell. I'm going to tell teja that you're back bitching about her.

O : do it jess. I would love to see the outcome.

V: I'm apologising formally. Please spare my life. She'll make keema of my existence.

K : wtf is wrong with you guys.

He could hear the byeee from the other side. Sometimes he felt All the crazy people assembled around him.

She started looking at each thing that was there one by one, his awards, portraits, a beautiful painting of scenery. She came across the pictures in the drawing room.

He came to look for her with two tea cups and handed her one. He stood by her side as she scanned the pictures.

T : who is this in this picture? He's so cute.

K : that's my nephew Arjun. It was almost 8 years back.

T : this is your parents and this?

K : my second sister. She's a doctor. I have 3 elder sisters BTW.

T: okay.. Let me guess. This one is your 3rd sis and this one is 1st.

K : bingo.. So we're four. Poonam, Madhu, meenu and...

He pointed to himself.

T : and.... What do they all call you?

K : sunny.

Her eyes went to that empty section of the wall. A certain picture was removed.

T : what was here.

K : a picture

T: it got spoilt?? By mistake?

K : no. I've taken it off.

By that time it didn't click her. She looked at him puzzled.

K : it was a Pic of me and my ex. I had taken it off just yesterday. Infact just before you came.

She looked at him with those eyes that only wanted answers.

T: why would you take it off suddenly?

K : I want to move past that phase.

They both stood by side by side and looked into each other for a while. She understood the message he wanted to give. She looked back towards the pictures again.

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