Memories And Resentment..

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She walked towards her vanity while still waving at the paparazzi..

"There would be days when smiling would feel like a punishment, but you have to manage" and that's what she was doing right now.. She was a complete mess.. Trying to get her things sorted...

She reached her vanity and sat down on the chair after keeping the phone aside... Her work life had completely tangled her.. The odd time hours were just extra tiring..
She sighed as she walked towards the mirror checking herself up..

She noticed the small post it note that had been posted beside her mirror by a certain someone...

It's a yellow post it note that said "I know you're busy, I understand but... Don't forget to check your messages or return the call - sunny ♥️"

He had posted that on a day when she was busy and couldn't spare 15 minutes to come back to her vanity... He had patiently waited for her on the set and hardly they had gotten 5 minutes... Later he had come back to her vanity, left the besan laddo his mom had given for her and posted this note...

It had been there from that day.. The next time when he noticed it he had asked me to let it be there.. She had left it..

She had taken a picture of it because it worked like a reminder for 2 things...

1. Randomly whenever she thought about it, it made her smile..

2.  it was so simple yet so soothing... The thought behind a simple post it note that made her feel his .. It reminded her of who he really was..

When such moments always mellowed her insides helplessly she felt like melting, just how ice cubes would under the sun... but then she had to remind herself that she shouldn't...

I need to change she thinks as she opens the  mini cupboard to find what they had here.. I get a sleeveless top and matching shrug and loose trouser... This will do..

She needed to go for a meeting regarding discussion for an advertisement..

She walked out of her set and got into her car.. The meeting was with the producer and some others who were coordinating the whole thing.. It took her an hour..

When she retraced back she saw his message "we need to talk??"

She replied "you're done with your thinking or analysing?"

It didn't tick cause the vodaphone network was down... It was the phone he normally used.. She came back to her set.. She still had few hours before the next schedule and pack up was by 11...

Around 5 she got a call from her friend.. Her friend/colleague from her other show asked her if Karan was okay... Initially she was surprised but then got to know from her friend that there was a fire in the shooting location where his set was...

She took some time to recall if he would be working today and remembered that today they were supposed to rehearse for the finale.. Her whole system stopped at the thought of something bad happening....she knew that 99% nothing had happened but still there was 1% chance and that also scared her..

She checked with her friend again and  got to know few were injured due to the rush while getting out...

She called him.. His phone didn't reach cause vodaphone was down.. She called omi... He was somewhere out in Goa meeting up with a friend while he was attending a marriage anniversary as a host.. Noone else had gone.. She came out and just opened her car door.. She didn't had any idea where she would go but she got into her driver seat.. She was supposed to drive by herself since her pack up time was early...

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