Conspiracy And Suffering

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Coincidences, It actually never happens just by chance. All the time it's a conspiracy by the universe to put people in a difficult position.

Her discovering the couple t-shirt, same day meeting Anushka, on top of that having a full on heated indirect argument was not just a coincidence.
She knew it all happened for a reason. That scared her more. Is it possible that they're not suited at all and hence all this was happening..

He sat there helplessly trying to pacify her. When nothing worked he just pulled her into his arm and hugged her tightly. She cried more at the proximity and gestures.

She composed herself and he sat there silently just looking at her expecting that she'll tell what it's.

But it never happened. She was more lively than anyone he knew and her going silent all of a sudden is something very shocking.

He waited for 15 more minutes expecting her to call and ask him to pick her up so that they can go back to his place. After 15 minutes he k ew that's not happening.


Vikas : I'm sure she had a fight or argument where she lost. That's why she's upset.

They all sat on his balcony. He leaned on the balcony railing sipping the Beer.

Omi : anything could have happened at party.

K : may be but morning also she was off.

Omi : this is all Jessica's fault. She should have gone to that party.

V : she's not even in the city.

He turned around.

K : could she be in some problem and she's not telling me.

Omi : oh hello.. That's the problem.. We don't know what's it.

Vikas : pass on the cold water.

He looked at Vikas with a question on his face suddenly when passed the bottle.

V : let me have the whisky in peace. I called her father and you saw he said everything is fine. I can't think anymore.

He looked back towards the sky hoping that tomorrow he'll ask her for sure.

It was 4: 39 and suddenly his eyes opened from sleep and the first thing he did was check his phone.

She might have called or messaged. There was none from her.


She went home and just took a water bottle from the freeze avoiding any type of eye contact with her parents.
Closed her room door and directly went to the washroom and turned on the shower.

Her hands were still on the shower Knob as the water started finding it's way under her body.

He treated her with utmost care. He managed his time to meet her, always kept an eye around her and even today had asked her 10 times why she was crying. Noone treated her like this.

Her first college bf was damn careless. There wasn't even a proper date ever.

Then came the flings here and there. That was the time when she actually had people who genuinely liked her but she just didn't want to be serious.

The one that continued for 2 years was the most baseless one. The guy was epitome of perfection . Spoke less, had a good job, nice parents, nice house, shifted to Chicago for one year for career growth . She had tried her best to make it work and everyone said they looked perfect. Then also she never felt that romantic or caring side of him.
It was bland when he stood beside her. There was no sparks. But when he decided to shift to Chicago again all of a sudden and didn't even discuss with her she knew this needed to end.

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