Love, Do or Drink

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T: sunny, I'm leaving.

She woke him up by moving him a bit. He got up disoriented, moved his head to figure out where he's.

Her alarm ringed at exact 11: 15. She found herself on the bed in one of his bed room, not the main one. She got up and came out only to find him still lying on the couch sleeping in a half laying position.

After talking with pratik she slept while leaning on his shoulder. He wanted her to rest so he had picked her up and tucked her under the blanket in the spare bedroom.
He didn't feel like sleeping in his bedroom in the fear of falling asleep.

K: going?

T : it's 11: 25? I've to be there by 12:30. Go back to sleep. I'll take a taxi.

She tried to move towards the door. He caught her hand and pulled her back.

K: no.. Wait

He dialled somebody.

K : who's there! No no... Ask Rakesh to come and get the keys. Yes... Same location.

T: it's not required you know.

He made her sit on his lap as he wrapped his arms and just rested his head. He was damn sleepy.

K : thanks for everything.

She didn't know what to say. They've not talked it exactly after the kiss.

So she just planted a kiss on his forehead. She still had to pinch herself that she felt he genuinely liked her.

Akasa : so you fell in love with her???

K : I didn't say that. I like her and I'm positive about her

It felt weird to say he lived her, he knew he did but he still wanted to be much more confident about it.

A: you love her.

K: what about her. You're so sure about me..

A : she's a bit skeptical but don't worry she's no less.

He chuckled at Sasa's reaction.

K: okay my expert. Thanks for the treat.

A : I'm so happy that you look better than the last time we met.

K: you think so??

A: yep. We should thank her I guess.

He just shrugged it off.


T: Maa, I've to stay tonight also. Send that pair I asked Maa. The dunzo person will be there in 30 minutes.

Mom : you said she's fine now.

T: one more day and may be tomorrow she'll be relieved. I just want to be helpful.


Land line phone rang in her home. Her father picked up. It was her friend smriti who wanted to invite her to her brother's engagement and teja didn't pick her call.

Dad : smriti called for her brother' s engagement. Ask teja to call back her.

Mom: okay.. Who it's.. Smriti?

She went and dialled smriti from her phone.

Mom : didn't you see her in the morning. She said only after you came she went for her shoot.

S : morning? My whole family went for dharmasala, Karnataka. I came yesterday only aunty. She knows.

Teja had informed two of her close friends to cover up and ask few others also. but all of them had forgotten to inform smriti as she was out of town.

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