You + Me = Us : Missing?

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Note : this is the last one for today. Next one will take some time. Thanks for reading and I appreciate your comments so much. Due to work I can't reply but definitely I read the comments and work on it.

Happy reading....


She reached his flat the next to next day when she got the off around 5:30. She pinged him that she'll be going. Her friend's brother's wedding functions would be started in next 2 or 3 days so later at night she had to go for rehearsal.

She opened the door with the key she had and just stared at it for few seconds taking in the atmosphere. She had chatted with him about why he want her go

There was no speck of dust. Ofcourse he had people who would take care of such things. She laid down on the couch after keeping her bag in the dining area.

She walked into the kitchen.. Took out the coffee but then something made her take the tea instead of coffee.

Milk was there inside. It was preserved one. She played songs in Alexa as she started preparing.

She really never made or focused but remembered the steps what he did. She hadn't observed her mother that much as she observed him. He loved tea and always made it instead of asking someone.

Lowkey she liked it when without asking he made her a cup and denied coffee.

She roamed when the tea boiled. She went inside the bedroom. It was all same but made her feel that he wasn't there.
The dressing cupboard was open only. She moved the door a bit.. Just one week or more she hasn't been here but it felt super nostalgic.

She found a blue t-shirt with some emoticons. Without thinking much she changed her sundress and wore it.

She felt as if she was home...

She came back and tea was done.. She took it out in a cup  being excited but the taste turned to be too bland.

Disappointedly she poured it all in the drain.
Just remembered about the plants so opened the balcony doors to check. It was already night and technically she shouldn't go near. The plants looked fine, they needed a bit grooming though.

She came back and thought of making black coffee. She put the water in micro wave and mixed the coffee.

She came to the balcony door and leaned. It looked beautiful as the blurred city lights created a illusion of stars through the fog cladded glass door.

The cold glass doors were filled with fog due to the winter.

She Leaned on the door and sipped her coffee. The house felt lifeless without him. She had already checked the freeze everything was still same.

It was dark now... She just immensely missed him. She drew a heart on that glass and took a snap and sent it to him.

It was now 4th day of his aunt passing away. They all were just recovering from the loss.

It was morning around 9. His sister was just normally massaging his shoulders.

They all sat in the lawn area. His parents were having tea.

Jiju : the only thing that makes me relaxed is she didn't suffered. It's just a day or two.

His mom nodded.

Dad : I know. She had already completed all her part of responsibilities.

Jiju's sis : last Monday only she was telling that she saw Karan's gf in photo. Arjun showed her.

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