Mechanism Of Mismatch

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Note : I wanted to end it but then couldn't find a way so I left it... Today I wrote it after long and I don't know if this makes sense.. Hope this is okay..

Happy reading...


He leaned on the wall as he spoke..

K : give a place with a proper arrangement for date..

Omi : are you proposing?

K : shut up.. Just want to take her on a proper date.....

Omi : okay.. But I need a spoiler before you do..

K : why?

Omi : I want to record her reactions when I give her some hints..

K : shut up..

He walked back on the set.. She had called him.. He called her back..

K : so..

T : actually my parents have invited uncle and aunty for lunch on 11th..

K :oh.. I'm yet to receive this news..

They had shared the numbers with them and his father has given a ring.. They've met today at some place for dinner..

T: do you think it's a good idea..

K :we can't do anything when they have already decided..

She was a bit scared if this will go okay..

T : they didn't even ask me before inviting.

K : that's okay.. They talked.. They felt it would be a good idea.. I think that's brilliant...

They disconnected the call..

After talking at night he cut the call to talk with his sister.. She called him back..

T : you would be there no..

K : I didn't get a invitation..

T: Karan..

K : your patents invited my parents... Not me.. It's simple..

T: it's tomorrow.. You're coming?

K: I'm not invited..

T : what do you want.. To wake my father up and ask him to  invite you..?

She said in a shocked voice...

He laughed... Every simple thing she saw it from a different pov.. That was her..

K : there's another easy way.. You can invite me..

He laughed without hesitation.. She understood that he was just playing around..

T : you better be there with them or else I'll show you..

K : what..

T : what's Tejasswi Prakash wayngankar can do..

K : ohh.. If I visit so you've to show me.. It's been long....

She realised what he meant and thought to lure him a bit more..

T : if you didn't come then you ain't getting anything...

K : for a day ?

T : nooo... for a week..

She said as if a day is out of the questions..

K : shit.. You just got me..

She smiled... They had only got to cuddle or kiss in between since parents were in town. Even if two or three times they got alone tvey were just so so tired that they've spent it all in cuddling and sleeping..

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