Imperfectly Perfect...

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The next day was engagement.. So the day went pretty well, first with mehendi and sangeet... The girl was Bengali and the guy was Christian... So both type of weddings were there and they didn't plan detailed pre functions..

At night she sat with her friends... They were going to open up some champagne with the bride and groom. She, her friend Piyush, 2 more of her friends, 4 more cousins of both. The bride and groom were there.. They all belonged to almost thr same age group and they were going to make reels, boomerangs, snaps with champagne opening, hookah.. They all had their own rooms but to hang out they had taken this suite...

There was a call from him.. She went to the balcony side and picked it..

T :hello..

K : where are you..

She crinkled her nose while trying to understand if the morning conversation happened and closed her eyes not wanting a repeat..

T : I told you..

K : tell me exact.. Which room.. Where..

T : why..

K : tell me..

T : it's 202.. .. We're almost 6 or 7 people.. It's a suite. Are you coming or what..

K : I am.. Open the door..

She took some time to realise that he was here...

He had spent the day completely irritated.. But waiting for 2more days was not possible.. He had completed his work by 7 and caught the next flight to Kolkata.. Before that had called her dad to ask and let him know where she was staying at..

He reached in the lobby... Booked a room and went to his room.. Dropped his bags and called her.. It's like he needed to see her now... He needed to talk to her now..

She rushed towards the gate still not believing fully... May be he's joking... Once she opens the door he would just tell her it was a April fool joke.. The call was disconnected... She watched the door from a little distance as everyone was busy in taking pictures and all..

The door bell rang.. They all got alerted.. Quickly they arranged the room...for all they knew it could be a relative or someone senior from the family... She still stood there when one went to the doors..

She was inside the main room.. While the door was in the drawing room.. There was a pin drop silence..

The door open sound came.. They could hear the person saying "sorry?" which followed by "Tejasswi is there?" from the other side.. The person who went to open the door wasn't her friend so she didn't knew him..

T : it's Karan..

She squirmed while saying... Her friend understood and went to bring him inside..

Piyush : shit.. You scared us..

He came inside and she stood leaning against the wall wearing a shorts and a sleeveless top.. His eyes didn't leave her even for a few seconds.. She knew how mad he was..

He moved on to greet the others and introduced himself as her bf. He did hug the groom to congratulate..

He sat with them just sipping something... He wasn't interested.. Most of the times he kept looking at her.. They couldn't communicate but their eyes did..

It was hot the way he watched her.. He talked very nicely with every one but only she knew what mood he was in.. It's like to the world be was the calm and composed cheerful person where as only she knew if he found her alone he would grab her to his body to get the answers..

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