Boring And Fun

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T : so we'll be shooting nearby.. Like it will take 5 minutes by walk. Are you serious???

K : yeah.. I've to be there for next 3 months.

K : Don't give me that devilish smile.

T : kundriiiiiii... Can we have launch everyday together?

K :first don't use that baby voice. Second I know your mom doesn't allow non veg except wed and Fri that's why you're plotting this

Jess : you both are fun.

T : I'm fun. He's just a boring guy.

K : ofcourse.. That's why the other day you got so excited when I asked you if you wanted to hangout with Me and my friends on Sunday.

T: food is my only reason to hangout.

Omi : from last 30 mins all she has said is food, launch, dinner, momos, chicken..

K : omi... I love you for this. Finally someone said it.

T : my life my rules.

Jess : I agree with her.

Omi : you've to. Even you're amused how can someone be obsessed with food more than Jessica?

T: shut up you both.


Jess : so what's it?? Why did you call her to our gang?

K : she had no plans.. So I just asked her.

K : before you could intervene... I'm still not over my ex and not interested in her. She's fun but that's it.

Jess : if you say so.

T: kundri... Call me once you reach on your new set. Byeeee

K : what should I reply. She has messaged me the same thing as well.

Jess : I don't know if you're enjoying it or genuinely irritated.

Omi : he doesn't even know he enjoys her antics. Kundriiiiiii..

K : shut up.

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