Quora : Whats's A Normal Day?

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The cook was present next morning. She asked for normal poori and sabji.

It was around 11.

T: I want that perfume. give me that. Why you have to hide it.

K : it's not there at all.

T: I know it's there somewhere. I'll take it on my own.

For last 15 minutes she had been after him because it wasn't there where usually it was kept.

She rushed to his room expecting him to run after her.

He simply shouted from outside.

K : it's on right side. 2nd onee.

She pushed things aside until she saw that. While pushing the things on the back side hanger she noticed a white tee type something.
Just being curious she pulled out. The bigger one had A printed in it. Slowly she pushed the other simillar one and it had K.

Why it's still here the first question came  to her mind but she didn't feel she should ask or not about it.
Eventually he might end up shouting why she had to go through his things.

She looked into the mirror and tried to assure herself by saying "this is nothing."

Came out of the room and tried to be normal.

K: you only have shoot for 4 hours? Or is it extended. Why you suddenly look so disturbed?

He just knew her enough to notice.

T: no.. I'm just getting late.

K : you're always late. I'm sure that's why they've told you it's 12 when for other it's 12 : 30 or 1.

He laughed trying to ease her mood. It had the opposite effect.

T: I'll just go.

K: I'll drop you. Wait for 5 minutes.

In car also she kept looking out of the window as the Sunday crowd moved at a snail's speed.

He asked twice or thrice to inquiry but she just shrugged it off.

K : tu aur tere mood swings.

He sighed at her mood swings. She gave him a look that definitely said "so what"

K : I was just saying Noone can handle your mood swings other than me.

T: there's no pressure, If you don't want to be then you can choose.

She got out of the car before that he pulled her for a proper cheek kiss which she returned with a peck and that too in a hurry.

He thought may be for that perfume she's irritated.
The whole day she kept pondering about the same matter.

"was he keeping it because memories are attached to it."

"this might be his only source to relieve those times again "

"maybe he expects one day she'll be back and that's why he was keeping it"

"ofcourse he will miss her when he doesn't even get to have proper intimacy in current one."

She was a over thinker at times, it worked on an another level. She couldn't respond properly to messages and he only got short replies like "hmm" "don't know"

She came back home, got ready for the party even though she didn't want to. She wore one normal one piece of black.

The first half was only filled with the motivating clips from the newly released movie. There were speeches and all.

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