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“I have something to give you two, real gift”,  Odette said hearing birds chirping across her window as the sun started rising beautifully.

Marco who was playing with her hair while Mario who was massaging her feet stopped their moments and gazed at the ethereal beauty in front of them.

“What is it doll?”,  Mario asked his voice came out gruffly and hoarse because of lack of sleep, they came into her room when it was asleep at 2 am and watched her asleep till four am and then she was woken up by nike and Gucci or else they wouldn’t have disturbed her sleep.

“I….. I will get it”, Odette said getting up on her feet in her night suit and stumbled in her walk in closet. With a bright smile Marco and Mario Kept waiting and saw her coming out with a guitar, album and locket.

“what is this doll?”,  Mario asked as she settled on the bed in between them sitting on her heels while pressing her knees on bed she looked at them biting her lip nervously thinking it would be a good or bad idea to give them something related to their past.

“This guitar…… Thi… this… this guitar”, Odette stuttered badly and winced at her own behaviour.

“first promise me you won’t be mad”, she asked looking at them who frowned then nodded with a smile and Marco said, “we can never be mad at you doll”.

“okay”, Odette mumbled as she slowly slid the album towards them.

Mario took it in his hands and opened it, as soon as his eyes fell on the first picture he drew a sharp breathe, his fists clenched hard, gripping the album.

Marco took it from his hand and didn’t show his emotions as Mario but his gaze fell on their doll who kept her eyes closed with her fingers crossed.

He simply glared at Mario for not controlling his emotions and let her see his mad side just because of this.
Mario cleared his throat before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and said, “we really didn’t had a single picture of our mother with us, seeing her after so long I was angry that we couldn’t find her killer and punished him for his crime of stealing our mother from us”.

Odette’s heart clenched and she opened her eyes looking between both Marco and Mario and said, “am sorry, we can leave this behind if you want but I thought you would be happy to see your family album”.

Marco immediately replied her, “we are happy, it was just shocking but we are happy to find our memories which were almost fading after these many years”.

Marco might be the cruellest among the twins but when it comes to Odette he turns understanding, calm and protective and consider her feelings before expressing his own but Mario is without a filter he is frank and clear but that doesn’t means he loves her any less.

“am sorry”, Mario mumbled and embraced her in a hug which she gladly accepted and sighed in his chest.

“This guitar was your mom's….  as well as this pendant”, Odette said handing them the guitar and the chain with a tiny gold heart pendant.

“Mario knows how to play guitar”, Marco said smiling at her.

“just as I inherited the art of painting from her, Mario inherited her love for music”,  he added making Odette smile widely finding something new about mario.

“this pendant….. It will look better on you doll”,  Mario said clutching it in his hand. Pushing her hair aside he gently put that chain around her delicate neck and secured it making her smile widely and her eyes glistened with tears because it was something of their mother’s which their father gave to her and they thought she deserves to have it. But she soon pushed those tears away not wanting to spoil their mood and whispered a thank you pressing her lips to Mario then Marco.

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