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“You remember this marriage is just a game; you marry that girl, use her, get her signatures, and drop her on her ass for her father to collect,” those vicious words rolled out of Bianca’s mouth without a hint of humanity or respect for another woman of her own kind.

“Yes, ma, I remember,” Marco declared, sighing heavily.

“Why do you people always remind me about what I should do? I am a fucking don of the Italian mafia,” Marco growled, getting mad at Bianca and his brother for reminding him again and again of Odette’s place in his life, as if he were a kid who should be reminded not to talk to strangers or accept food from them.

“Because I can’t risk the only chance to get back at Andre. Remember, good and better Marco… Odette is the daughter of Andre, who is not only mine but your enemy too,” Bianca seethed as her eyes narrowed with a glare and warning she was well used to giving to the twins since she took them into her home.

“I know my boy will never disappoint me,” Bianca said, looking at Marco's clenched fists, smirking internally as she knew her words were getting into his head.

She never had to manipulate Marco to do something; it was natural for him. He took his pain out by inflicting pain on others. He enjoyed instinctive hunts; he didn’t think with his head when he saw red; he only did what he was trained for – to kill people without remorse.

So did Mario, but Mario needed to be manipulated, especially because he was more controlled than Marco. Mario had a naturally merging-into-room quality without being noticed, which made her offer an FBI seat for Mario and a don throne for Marco.

The work those two brothers did was always together. But Bianca held the strings of them as if they were her puppets. Never in her life had she seen Marco feel something beside anger and depression. He was in awe and was falling in love with Odette. She knew it better than anyone. That’s why she made Mario approach Marco and confront him about his changing behavior. Little did she know that they promised their hearts and loyalty to a girl who they didn’t know was Odette herself. No doubt Mario felt her inside him too; that’s why he was determined to find their doll.

“And…” Bianca carried on speaking, adding those sinful words which no woman would be able to utter nor support such an act.

“I heard you promised Mario her virginity,” she said, fixing his tie one last time. Her words stirred Marco to an extent that he shoved Bianca away as if her presence disgusted him. In fact, it did.

“I did that because I wanted to prove that I don’t love her,” Marco told, dragging out every word, making sure she understood his words crystal clear.

“With whom we sleep, whom we share is none of your business; we are in this together because our enemy is the same,” Marco growled angrily. His blue cold eyes darkened, making Bianca gulp in horror.

Though Marco was her pawn, she wouldn’t dare to push his limits, making herself the target of his wrath.

“I was… just…” Her words were halted when the door sprang open, revealing a stressed Mario.

Both Bianca and Marco fixed themselves, and a single nod from Marco was enough for Bianca to understand his order for her to leave them alone.

After they made sure Bianca was no longer there to eavesdrop on their conversation, Marco spoke.

“Did you find her?”

“She wasn’t from Italy; her caretaker, Mrs. Grayson, too,” Mario said in his stressed tone, sighing.

“For fuck's sake, we don’t know even her full name except Oddy and that caretaker's surname; their details aren’t mentioned, which obviously states that they used a private jet,” Mario said as he poured himself a drink and gulped it down in one go.

“Then how are we supposed to find her?” Marco asked through his clenched teeth.

“It’s only possible when we find that caretaker… that too if she is alive,” Mario said in his gravelly voice. Those words sounded heavier when they knew there weren’t many chances to see their doll again.

But they didn't know she was right in front of their eyes, dolled up for one of them and walking down the aisle towards them.


“Please take care of my daughter,” Andre said, giving Odette’s little hand to Marco's huge and rough one, in which her hand fit perfectly as if it were made just for him.

“I will,” Marco promised, though he knew he was going to just hurt her.

Pulling Odette upon the stage gracefully, Marco let her hand go, now standing facing her. The priest of Chartres Cathedral started reciting rituals for the wedding of the decade happening again in that place.

“Do you have your own vows for the wedding?” the priest asked them with a smile on his face.

Marco simply denied, while Odette whispered a no politely.

“Then we will go with usual vows,” the priest confirmed, and they both nodded their heads.

“Mr. Marco De Luca, do you take Odette Francois to be your lawfully wedded wife and promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and will love her and honor her all the days of your life?” the priest asked, his voice echoing between the walls of the church.

“I do,” Marco said, clenching his jaw, not showing a single doubt to anyone present in the hall.

Bianca and Mario exchanged victory smiles secretly before the priest started asking the same question to Odette.

“Do you, Odette Francois, take Marco De Luca to be your lawfully wedded husband and promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, and will love him and honor him all the days of your life?”

“I do,” Odette announced with a huge smile on her lips.

“I announce you officially husband and wife; now you may kiss the bride,” the priest declared, making Odette’s heart thunder against her chest.

Marco took a step towards her and took her veil off, revealing her beautiful face. Reminding himself it’s just a show for revenge, nothing more, he pushed his unfamiliar feelings away. He brought his lips towards Odette’s.

Feeling his breath, she closed her eyes before sucking a huge amount of air in anticipation. Marco’s hands rested on her waist, pulling her close towards him while he let himself devour her soft lips.

But something felt weird to Odette. This kiss wasn’t like the previous kisses she shared with him. Those were warm and sweet, while this one felt cold and bitter, just as his current feelings for hers.

This kiss was supposed to feel special, like the kiss which cured Snow White from the poison of the Apple, like the kiss which broke the curse of the sleeping beauty, the kiss which turned a frog into a prince, but this kiss was not magical.

A frown painted on Odette’s beautiful features; her eyes reflected the confusion which she couldn’t understand. The kiss was short and soulless, which stirred many questions in her head, but then she saw the similar blue eyes behind Marco, who was smirking at her devilishly, making a chill run down her spine.

But she didn’t realize the ‘I DO' she declared wasn’t for the holy vows of the sacred wedding but for a forbidden sinful relation she signed with the devils who are determined to break her to the extent she can’t be fixed, not even by God himself.

A/N: edited.

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