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It’s been five days since we three are locked in this mansion. Marco and mario didn’t go for work and tagged behind my ass as nike and gucci and this was getting on my nerves.

They are grinning and smiling as two idiots and I couldn’t breathe a sigh around them because they would run to me and carry me to bed telling I need to rest because am tired or ask if they need to call doctor if I have any breathing problem.

I mean….. What the actual fucking fuck?!

No matter how hard they tried I gave them my best silent treatment and expressed my anger towards them. I was not staying in the puking pink room but in Marco’s and he is not stepping inside his own room. Of course it’s mine now and he is not allowed anywhere near me.

“doll, what do you want to eat?”,  marco asked strolling towards me shirtless and in a blue jeans which was hanging low on his hips giving a perfect view of his abs and pecs, not to mention the perfectly trimmed hair on his chest. His right arm is fully painted in tattoo’s which were looking beyond ethereal on his tanned skin.

God! These Italian men have tempting body to not resist. When he finds me staring a smirk plastered on his face and I twist my lips to meet his azure eyes and glared at him.

Rolling my eyes I walked into the kitchen without looking at mario who was chopping fruits for smoothie.

“You need anything doll? You could have ordered and we would have brought it right away”, mario tells giving me a soft smile while he turned on the mixer.

I glare at him before taking a milk carton out from the refrigerator and pour myself a glass of milk and grab a banana from the fruit basket and sit on the couch after turning the TV on and search for a interesting show to watch but end up choosing the vampire diaries – come on who can resist the charms of TVD men!

Both Marco and mario comes to me holding plates of yummy smelling food and glass of smoothies. Marco sat on my left side and mario sat on my right but they didn’t pass me plate as they used to do.

Instead those fuckers started moaning at the taste of their food and side glanced me with the stupid killer smiles on their faces.

I tried to ignore them and took a sip of my milk keeping my eyes on the screen where Klaus leaves a drawing of her and horse I gushed a aww as I peeled the banana and took a mouthful of bite.

“you liked that drawing?”, mario asked looking at me fondly as he poked his pancakes with fork. I eyed his breakfast and my mouth waters immediately, I remember how tasty he cooks. While Marco doesn’t know cooking but he does makes an amazing coffee.

They two were feeding me even if I didn’t spoke but today they didn’t even offered me food and made my favourite breakfast and swallowing it down while moaning beside me.

Narrowing my eyes at him I twisted my mouth and chewed my banana and forced my eyes back on TV.
“I just asked, I thought if you liked that drawing you would love your too, Marco is a good artist”, mario said shrugging his shoulders and I snapped my eyes at Marco to confirm it.

He smiled at me softly, my eyes immediately lit up with amazement and his smile grew wider than before.

Stupid oddy, you are freaking angry for fucks sake! I reminded myself and got up from my seat and took step towards my room. The smell of tasty pancakes and it’s flavour from yesterday was still in my system which made my each step away making me groan internally.

Fuck it!

I ran behind to the couch and saw their frowned sad faces which I know for a fact that they were sad because if no words from me.

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