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After signing the papers and celebrating their engagement with a glass of champagne, both Marco and Odette were escorted to the main hall where their eagerly awaiting guests were gathered. As the lights dimmed, a spotlight illuminated Marco and Odette, who stood gracefully with their arms linked. Andre and Bianca positioned themselves slightly below Marco and Odette on the stairs and addressed the crowd. "Proudly introducing my son, Marco de Luca," Bianca declared. "The esteemed Italian mafia boss," Andre added with admiration.

"And now, I introduce you my daughter, Odette Francois, the princess of the French mafia," Andre proudly proclaimed. The hall filled with gasps and admiration as women cast jealous glances at Odette, mesmerized by her stunning physique and exquisite features that were to die for. Of course, Marco did not go unnoticed either, as women would willingly fall to their knees for him at that very moment. Meanwhile, men gazed at Odette with desire and lust, which did not escape Marco's attention.

He tenderly placed his large hand on Odette's waist, drawing her closer to him, causing her to release a shivering gasp. "But now, she is my queen," he declared, pressing his lips against Odette's, causing her eyes to widen in surprise. Andre was pleased that Marco referred to her as his queen, and in accordance with the engagement treaty, Marco had the freedom to do as he pleased with his daughter, even though she was just nineteen. Such matters were of little consequence in mafia families.

Bianca clenched her fists in anger, but managed to keep her face composed despite the heated moment unfolding before her. The guests were captivated, offering applause, gasps, and admiration for the seemingly sweet couple.

Little did they know that sweetness was not the only thing they could expect. Marco slowly traced his tongue along Odette's lower lip, seeking entrance, but her lack of experience left her frozen and unsure of how to respond to his kiss. This caused a growl of appreciation to rise within Marco. He understood she wasn't experienced and it was a huge turn on to him.

He lightly nibbled on Odette's lower lip while simultaneously squeezing her supple buttocks, eliciting a gasp from her. As she obediently parted her lips, he seized the opportunity to thrust his tongue into her mouth, savoring the intoxicating sweetness of her taste. Her flavor was unparalleled, unlike anyone else he had ever encountered. Marco realized that if he didn't exercise restraint at this moment, their passionate encounter would not cease until he claimed her completely.

He broke the kiss, leaving Odette breathless and with a flushed face. Marco was well aware of Odette's rebellious nature, evident through her tattoos and lip piercing. The temptation to tug on her lip ring was strong, but he knew it would overwhelm her, and he didn't want to put on a display anymore for the hungry eyes of men who desired to be in his position.

A passionate and adorable kiss was all it took to make it clear that Odette belonged to Marco, and anyone who didn't accept it could simply look away in envy. Marco couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger, thinking that Odette intentionally didn't kiss him back. However, he decided to address the matter later when they were alone together. With a gentle smile, Marco tenderly brushed a stray strand of hair behind Odette's ear, causing her cheeks to flush with a blush. It was a genuine gesture that others might struggle to comprehend as anything other than a facade.

"I am pleased to announce that as of today, we have forged a powerful alliance with the Italian mafia, much like the one we established with the Russian mafia seven years ago," Andre proclaims, prompting the crowd to erupt in cheers and applause. "I kindly request that you all indulge in tonight's festivities, celebrating my daughter's engagement to the formidable and influential Marco de Luca, as well as the announcement of our blood bond treaty," Andre announces, raising his glass in a toast.

In unison, everyone raises their glasses in a toast to celebrate the newly engaged couple, taking a sip of the drinks served.

"Please join me in welcoming our newly engaged couple to the dance floor as we kick off tonight's festivities," Andre announces, clapping his hands, which prompts everyone to follow suit, cheering in excitement.

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