Brahms||Why they love you ||

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Your company is what he loves most about you. Being alone since the fire he craves company. You are his social life.

You and Brahms chatted while you made dinner. It had been a rainy day so you decided to make a soup. Apparently Brahms never really had soup so you were excited for him to try. You poured you both bowls of it and sat down. He cautiously took a sip and he fell in love. "This is the best thing I've had!" You smiled and took a sip yourself. He happily ate and you giggled at his childlike behavior. "You're so cute Brahmsy." He blushed at the nickname and sat the bowl down. He reached across the table and held your hand. "And you're beautiful (y/n)."

Sing me to sleep

Slasher Oneshots + Preferences And ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang