John Kramer Info

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How you met: You were being bullied when you blacked out. Once you had woken up you found yourself in John's Basement. It was there your daughter-father relationship formed.

Why they love you: John sees you as the child that was taken from him. He enjoys the times you are around and when you help out.

Their favorite activity to do with you: Suprisingly it's baking. You and him have a thing for making sweet treats. Of course it's mostly him making the treats and you decorating them but he doesn't mind.

Chubby S/O(note you and him are not in a romantic relationship): John sees you just as you are. A sweet person with a loving heart. Of course he'll find anyone who has anything to say about you or your weight.

They get hurt: Once you had found out John had cancer you felt like your whole world was spinning. Of course you stayed by his side no matter what.

Someone Hurts you: For someone to hurt you they must be the most vile scum bag on this earth to John. He will make sure the trap makes them suffer. Blood for Blood, an eye for an eye.

Run around the world: John will chuckle once he realizes the joke. He never really realized how much he means to you. Of course your his little world too.

Walking in on you naked: Of course just like a dad to his child John would quickly cover his eyes and close the door. He'll apologize and be careful next time.

Walking in on him naked: Once he became too weak to do anything for himself you were in charge of getting him dressed and undressed. It doesn't phase you.

Nicknames for you: Dear

Nicknames for him: Dad, pops

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