Billy + Stu Oneshot

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You were sitting at the fountain during lunchtime when two pairs of arms reached around you and picked you up. "Hey!" You heard Sidney and Tatum laugh at you. "Not funny you two." Billy and Stu both set you down and talked about plans for a party. "I'm not going last time I went I go in trouble with Dewey." Tatum wrapped an arm around your waist and giggled. "C'mon sis Dewey doesn't have to know!" You rolled your eyes at your older sister and opened your lunch.

You five decided to go cause hell with Randy and visited him at work. Billy and Stu were tormenting him while Tatum and Sidney were gossiping about God knows what. You decided to just sit outside and wait on them.

You placed the money in the vending machine to get a soda. All of a sudden someone pinned you to it. "Stu get off." Billy   stood beside you and they both eyed you up and down. "C'mon princess join us at the party! It's not the same without you!" You rolled your eyes and grabbed your drink. "Fine on the condition of no alcohol." They both nodded and you pecked both of their lips quickly. "Now let's go get Sidney and Tatum I want to hit the food court."

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