When it rains

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Michael: You tend to get sleepy when it rains so it's mostly snuggling and having movies run.

Bo: You, him, and his brothers get together and play cards. Junk food and everything.

Vincent: Either your playing cards or watching him paint the rain.

Lester: Playing cards or messing with his knives. Occasionally he'll watch a movie with you.

Hannibal: He'll light the fireplace and you both drink hot tea (or chocolate/coffee) while you both talk.

Billy: He's sleeping. You can sleep with him or find something else to do.

Stu: He's putting comedies on. Get ready for some popcorn and soda.

Thomas: He'll get with his family and sit infront of the TV. You usually sit in his lap.

Bubba: He sleeps it off. Seeing he can get a break he's using it.

Nubbins: More and likely watching tv.

Chop-Top: Doing dwugs

Tex: Snuggling with you. You both watch the rain from the window.

Brahms: He'll have you read to him while he drinks tea.

Jason: He would probably just stay with you and do what ever you are doing.

Billy Lenz: Prank call time!

Chucky: He will binge watch something

John: He'll nap or bake with you.

Amanda: She's usually sad with this weather so she'll seek you out for comfort.

Mark: He'll lay down with you to get warm.

Logan: You, Him, and Melissa find activities to do with eachother. Decorating cookies or movie with snacks.

Daniel: You and him blast music as you both talk about school and other things.

Adam: He will probably cuddle up with you and sleep. So comforting to have his babe and the sound of the rain.

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