Chubby S/O

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(For my fellow chubby peeps this one's for us❤️)

Michael: Honestly man could care less. He was at a asylum he has witnessed things. Chub does not phase his opinion about you. Plus he has his trusty knife if anyone dares to hurt you.

Bo: Man wants you to suffocate him with your thighs. He absolutely adores you. You are perfect to him in every way.

Vincent: Have you seen older paintings of people? Hell Aphrodite herself wasn't as small as she is portrayed to be. You are a masterpiece to him.

Lester: He doesn't care what you look like. As long as you are happy and healthy then he is content. Plus if you listen to his jokes he already loves you.

Hannibal: Just let this man hear anything about his precious dears weight. They will find themselves as a pork based dish because they are the pigs. He would kiss the ground you walk on for you hun.

Billy Loomis: He uses it to his advantage. He constantly grabs your sides and whispers very dirty things into your ear to get you flustered. He can't help it your just too cute.

Stu: He's your number 1 fan. He brings you snacks and other things anytime you are working. Your literally his babe how could he even treat you wrong?

Billy+Stu: These men sandwich you every night. When they aren't Billy is usually laying his head onto your chest and stu on your thighs. They aren't afraid to blackmail anyone who has anything to say about your looks.

Thomas: Have you seen him? Man's a fucking giant. Don't you even dare cry about your weight or this man will use you as his teddy bear for the whole day. Be prepared to piss your pants cause he ain't letting go.

Bubba: Honey you are gold to him. This man is a giant teddy bear. Your chub has nothing on him and that's alright cause he loves all of you.

Nubbins: Ever seen a child when they get their dream item? You know how they show it off to everyone? Yeah that's Nubbins. Expect to meet his family, the dogs, the neighbors, hell even the mailman. He doesn't see your image he sees your amazing personality and that's what matters most in that household.

Chop-Top: Your still his fave. I mean man is bald so he doesn't have much to say. He's shocked someone even loved him so to him you are his treasure.

Tex: This man would die for you. Growning up he would fight anyone who picked on you. Even if it meant getting his ass beat (very rare) he would still leave them injured. No one better say anything about you. Not to mention he still picks you up and carries you around.

Brahms: Walk Rat has met very few people. That being said these people were mostly skinny. So to see someone like you was a new experience to him. He found you so unique and beautiful. Loves when you wear his cardigan too.

Jason: Sugar he was born with deformities plus turned into some zombie like figure. Man does not care about the way you look. You always look cute to him. Not to mention how warm you are against his cold dead figure.

Billy Lenz: Just like wallrat he hasn't seen many people. He sees you as just a normal person. So what if you have pudge? He's still gonna cuddle you and love you the same. If anyone and I mean anyone has anything to say there will be consequences.

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