John Oneshot

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You had gotten up incredibly early to get a surprise for John. You had purchased matching bracelets for you and him. You smiled at them and tucked them away in your pocket for later.

You saw him sketching and smiled. "Pops! Good morning!" He smiled and set his pencil down. "Good morning to you too (y/n)." You grabbed a bowl and poured his favorite cereal in it along with milk. You then poured him a glass of water and placed them infront of him. "What's the occasion?" You tilted your head. "You're never up this early." You smiled and sat on the ground next to him. "I wanna go to the park today with you. Pretty please?" He nodded and began to eat his cereal.

You and him took a stroll through the park admiring the autumn leaves and breeze. You both sat on a bench. "Do you remember what I use to tell you about fall?" You shooked your head no. "It's been many years pops. I've already forgotten." He smiled and picked a leaf up. "Fall is just like people. Sometimes a part of us dies. But just like the leaves that fall to the grown. It breaks down. Then feeds future growth. Just like ourselves. The part that dies sparks something new in us." You smiled and reached into your pocket. You pulled the bracelets out and he smiled. "I knew you had something up your sleeve." You helped him out his bracelet on and he helped you with yours. You both talked until the sun went down and you two headed back home.

You made him dinner and sat down with him. "I think fall is my favorite season." He looked up at you and nodded. "I believe anyone can relate to fall."

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