Stu Macher || How you Met||

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You had a friend named Randy. He helped hook you up with a job at the video store. There he would blabber your ears off about some girl named Sidney and his friend group.

You were stocking up some new generic horror movie when


You dropped all the items in your hands and looked behind you. "Whoops wrong person." You placed a hand over your chest and took a deep breath. The man bent down and picked up everything you dropped. "Hey this is the movie I've been searching everywhere for!" You tilted your head and leaned your head over your shoulder to see. "Oh! I've seen that one already.. it was pretty cheesy." He looked at you and gave you a goofy smile. "My bad for scaring you, I thought you were that love slave Randy." You laughed and shook your head no. "Let me guess he annoys you with Sidney too?" The man let out a dramatic groan. "All the damn time."

You were walking home with the man and Randy. Turns out his name is Stu and you two are actually neighbors." Yeah the 5th movie wasn't all that great." You and him chit chatted about horror movies you both liked and disliked. Randy just kept complaining the whole time when he eventually reached his house. It was just you and Stu.

You both stopped infront of your house. "Can we like hang out at school or something?" You shook your head no. "I go to a different school." He thought for a sec. "Then what about the video store?" You smiled and nodded at him. "Well then see you later neighbor." Stu leaned on your fence. "See ya (y/n)."

You walked inside and looked out your window to see him do a little dancy dace to next door. You giggled at him.


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