John Oneshot

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(Spoilers ⚠️🚨‼️‼️‼️ if you haven't watched the full Saw series then this is a spoiler!)

You watched as he worked on a trap with Logan. You tilted your head at it when Logan smiled at you. He lifted it up and showed you and you furrowed your brows. "It's called a reverse bear trap. It's my creation!" You nodded and looked over at John to see him looking proud. "It looks lethal Logan." He explained how it works and you felt a chill up your spine. "Jesus that's brutal!" He set it down and looked over at John. "But it's easy to escape." John nodded and looked at the both of you. "That's how these traps should always be. They aren't meant to kill they are meant to be beaten. Never should they be made with the intent to kill." You and Logan both nodded.

Years Later

You looked on at the body that was once a detective. She had fallen victim to Amanda's "angel trap." You frowned when you heard Amanda walk up behind you. "It's beautiful isn't it?" You turned to face her with your arms crossed. "John would be disappointed in you." She growled and shoved you into the wall. "What do you even know about him!? Huh? " You looked at her and narrowed your eyes. "I was here first. I know how John thought. I knew what he would think." She glared at you. "Just because daddy is dying doesn't make you boss. I'm the one who will take over his work once he's gone." You laughed in her face. "You really don't get it do you?" You walked away from her.

You walked in the place where John was staying. The metallic smell filled your nostrils but you were used to it. You walked into the room to see him dead. You walked over to his lifeless body and pulled his eyelids down to cover his lifeless eyes. "Sleep well pops.." you noticed the limp body of Amanda in the corner and walked over. "Daedalus once told Icarus to not fly so close to the sun. Ignorant on his fathers word he flew higher and higher till the wax melted." You took the gun out her hand and laid her body down. "Icarus fell into the dark sea. It was there he drowned. Perhaps if he would to have listen to his father he never would have died." You covered her body up in a sheet and sighed. The last body was the victim of shotgun collar. You placed a sheet over her. "My condolences to your husband and daughter. Now you can be with your son."

You took one last look around the room and focused your attention on John. You took your necklace off and placed it onto his chest. You stepped away and went towards the door. You turned and grabbed the door handle. "Game Over." You slammed the door shut. Locking the pain and agony in that room for eternity.

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