John Kramer Oneshot

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You grabbed onto your boyfriend's hand happily as you were excited to show John. John was sketching out some things when he looked up and tilted his head. "Who is that?" You happily explained and told him about your boyfriend but you noticed he was putting on a fake smile. After your boyfriend went home you confronted John about it.

"But pops I promise he's a nice guy! Give him a chance." John gave you a brow and sighed. "He has dirtbag written all over him. As someone who looks out for you I beg you to rethink your choices. " "You're not even my real dad!" You covered your mouth and he looked down. You quickly ran out and John looked down at his sketches. "You're not my real child but I care for you just as much.."

A few months had passed since what happened between you and John when you went to visit your boyfriend. You noticed clothes scattered everywhere and walked in on him fucking another girl. You realized he was right and left.

You rubbed your arm as you walked into the basement. "You were right pops.. you were so fucking right.." you began to cry and you fell to your knees. You heard someone approach you and a tight hug. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have said that to you. You are my dad." He rubbed your back and shh'd you. "I know I have to let you grow sometimes. I know I can be a bit suffocating but it's only because I don't want you to be hurt by the ugliness of this world."

You and him sat down and had a bowl of cereal as he listened to you vent. Afterwords he told you plans about a new trap. "I think I have to perfect victims for it in mind." You said with a smirk.

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