When they get mad

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Michael: Michaels temper is very very short. He can flip his switch in the matter of seconds. It would be best to leave him alone.

Bo: Bo has a thing where he will start sucking his teeth and being a complete smart/jack ass.

Vincent: Vincent will detach himself from you for the day. He'll also ignore you.

Lester: He'll give you a grumpy face. Then he'll shut up for the rest of the day.

Hannibal: He will avoid you. It would be best to not try to interact with him. He'll be snappy.

Billy: Billy will leave you. If you're in public he'll turn hill and walk away to blow off some steam.

Stu: It's hard to make Stu mad but once you do it's a bad time. He will incredibly pissed off.

Thomas: He'll grunt more and ignore as well. Spending most of his time in the basement.

Bubba: Bubba will huff and puff. Of course he forgives easily so just give him a little peck on the cheek and he's all better.

Nubbins: He actually starts to growl. You find it funny but he doesn't.

Chop-Top: He'll flick you off. Later on he'll cry and apologize to you.

Tex: He starts hitting the table until he gets up and goes outside. It's best to let him blow off some steam.

Brahms: He will go into the walls and won't come out for a while.

Jason: He'll leave you alone until around 3 hours.

Billy Lenz: He'll hide in the attic away from you. You might wanna go comfort him.

Chucky(Charles): He starts cussing you out way more than usual.

John: He will lock you in your room. Not before sneaking snacks and a drink in there. He really just can't deal with you at the moment.

Amanda: She will avoid you. You have to talk to her if you want any conversation to happen.

Mark: He'll ignore you. If not he's being a big smartass.

Logan: He grits his teeth. You will notice his jaw clenching. It's best to let him blow off some steam.

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