Hannibal Lector ||How you Met||

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(NBC Hannibal)

You sat in front of your current patient. They cried about divorce and other parts of their life. You just sat and listened then gave them your advice.

You got everything ready for your next patient. This one was "special" to where he had to be handcuffed and a gaurd had to be outside the door. You looked at the name then his photo. You opened your door. "Mister Hannibal Lector are you ready?"

You sat with your legs crossed as the man sat handcuffed in front of you. "So tell me how did your craving of human flesh start."


After he was done explaining you jotted down some notes. "So you had a certain obsession with a man by the name of Will Graham?" Hannibal nodded and you nodded back at him. "I must say.. you are very beautiful." You smiled and looked at the man. "That's very kind of you mister Lector."

You walked into the visitor room of the prison. You had a small package for a certain someone. Of course security checked and once they saw that it was clear they let you in.

"Thank you so much my dear." He looked down at the plate of his most favorite dish. You nodded and smiled. "Just a way to help a patient heal." He took a bite and savored the taste. Once he was finished the gaurd took the plate and gave it to you. "I have to go now mister Lector but I look forward to our future sessions. He gave you one of his charming smiles and nodded at your words. You bid him farewell and left the prison.


How could a man so charming and handsome have such a deadly side to him?

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