Billy Loomis||Why they love you||

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He loves your attitude. Your "I don't take shit from no one" attitude. He finds it quite entertaining how you can be happy then pissy in the next.

Billy watched as you argued with the teacher in class. "I'll call your parents miss (y/n)." He watched as you stood up. "I'll call them damn self you cunt!" "Don't swear missy." "DoNt sWeaR MiSsy" he laughed as you two went back and forth.

He waited for you at the school gate. You threw your arms around him and he embraced you. "That was quiet a show babe." You looked at him and gave him a big smooch. "Honestly teacher needs to mind her own damn business." Billy kissed your head and you both walked home hand in hand together.

Get em baby

Slasher Oneshots + Preferences And ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora