Yautja Info

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(you can use any of the Predators)

How you met: Humans are some of the cruelest animals. A female predator had found you abandoned in a jungle. Curious to what you were she took you back to her homeland. It was there they raised you amongst the other pups. One pup in particular was always by your side. It was from then on you two were binded mates.

Why they love you: You are his fearless warrior. You sacrifice your all for him and his fellow predators.

Favorite Activity to do with you: Definitely going skull collecting with you. He finds it to be more pleasant with you by his side.

Chubby S/O: Honey, this is a creature you're talking about. Your physical build does not phase him at all. Plus it's perfect to him for kids (wink wink)

They get hurt: You watched on as the Males came back from their daily hunt. You noticed your mate didn't show so you went asking around. They explained he had gotten attacked and currently getting healed up. You went to where they told you where you could find him and saw bandages around his arm. He saw you and quickly say up. "I'm sorry my love, hopefully it heals fast."

You get hurt: He watched in anger as one of the males carried you back from your hunt. One of the females had taunted you for being weaker and less superior than her and it resulted in a brawl. Your mate approached the other male and took you from his arms. He thanked his fellow predator and walked away with you. Your eyes fluttered open and smiled at him. He glared and you sighed. "I fucking won that fight. Fuck that bitch." He rolled his eyes but smiled in relief clicking his mandibles happily.

Someone hurts you: You weren't physically hurt, mentally however was a different story. You being the only human in their clan made it difficult for you to fit in. Your final straw was when the females teased you about you could never satisfy your mate like his own species could. Of course when your mate found out he absolutely went berserk. Afterwords he took the day off to rest with you.

Run around the world: He would be amused seeing you pull this on him. If only you knew you were his galaxy, his fire, his heart. The very air he breathes.

Walking in on you naked: To you and him it isn't awkward. I mean you've seen eachother plenty of times. He'll either stay to discuss something with you or leave if it isn't important.

Walking in on him naked: Same thing as walking in on you. Of course you have to admire is stature for a few seconds.

Nicknames for you: Mate, His Warrior

Nicknames for him: Mate, Beast

Pregnant Reaction: He would be thrilled to know your carrying his pups. He would become more protective around you. Of course seeing your human he has concerns about you having difficulties so he stays by your side 24/7.

Cheating Scenario: He would never. Once you two became mates it was for life. He doesn't have the want or need for another female.

Favorite Food: Due to his kind and nature it's raw meat. For you he makes sure it's properly cooked to make sure it doesn't make you sick which you greatly appreciate.

Type of Date: He would make a nice bed and cuddle you all day. Most of it being you two catching up on much needed sleep.

Things you do that piss them off: Definitely you being careless. Sometimes you almost walk straight into death. He just wishes you would be more cautious and alert.

Things he does that pisses you off: Leaving his bloody equipment everywhere. The blood doesn't phase you on a gross level you just hate it's so damn messy.

You find out/them dead: All day everyone has given you a look and talk in their language. You couldn't understand what they were talking about until one approached you handing you the helmet of your once beloved mate. You felt your heart shatter and you placed your head against it and cried.

Slasher Oneshots + Preferences And Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें