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It's been two days now since I saw Ali sucking Tyler Reeves' face on national television, I have been trying to find out where this guy lives but I can't, for the life of me, figure it out. I have tried searching for his phone number, his social media accounts, everything. I keep coming up short. Must be nice to have money like that so you can hide basically everything about yourself. There's only one other thing that I could possibly do... I need to visit my friend Brian at the police station in town. Let's see what he can do to help.

I finish my beer and head down to the station. I walk inside and see Brian sitting on his computer across the room. I pull up a chair and sit down in front of his desk.

Brian looks up from his laptop and says, "Joe? What're you doing here?"

"I need your help, Brian." I say as I roll my head and crack my neck.

"Sure. What's up, man?" Brian says as he shuts his laptop and gives me his full attention.

I clear my throat, "So, you obviously know now that Ali isn't visiting some sick aunt... She took Cameron and left me two months ago. She didn't tell me she was leaving, she didn't tell me where she was going. I just assumed she would come crawling back when she needed more money. But now that we know she found herself a sugar daddy, I need to know where exactly she is..."

Brian sits back and says, "Why didn't you tell me about this when she left?"

I try my best to keep my cool when I say, "Because it's nobody's goddamn business what goes on in my house. She should've known better than to think that I wouldn't find her eventually."

Brian looks at me with suspicious eyes, "Joe, man. I don't want to offend you by saying this, but we both know your relationship was never good in the first place. Why do you really want to find her? What do you plan on doing when you do, huh?"

Alright, now he's pissing me off. Acting like his badge fucking scares me... please, I'm not afraid of anything. What kind of evidence would he ever have against me? His word against mine?

I laugh and lean forward in my seat, "Brian, if I were you I would keep my mouth shut and start searching for her. Unless, of course, you want me to pay a visit to your wife and tell her about your little whore you've been screwing for over a year now? Man, I bet that would really set her off. Then your kids would only have you to blame for the failed marriage."

He stares at me in disbelief. I see the fear in his eyes as he sits back in his seat and shakes his head at me. I can't help but grin, knowing he no longer has a choice but to help me.

"Man, I can try to help you find her, but I can't guarantee anything if she's out of my jurisdiction. Does she have any family or friends that you know of outside of town?" Brian says as he cracks open his laptop again and starts typing.

"She has one friend... I can't remember her name though. Brittany... Tiffany, maybe? I don't know man. But I was thinking maybe we should just start with Tyler Reeves. I mean, it's obvious they're together based on what we all saw on national television." I say, hoping he will be able to find this guy's address for me.

I just know that's where she would be. She's always been a fucking leech, living off of anyone and everyone she can find. I cannot wait to get my fucking hands on her and bring her back where she belongs. Brian types a million miles per hour trying to find any information on this guy that he can.

"Here we go. I didn't find an address, but I did find a phone number. We could use the number and trace it back to whatever address it's listed under." Brian says as he starts writing down the phone number on a post it note.

The Rookie and Me (COMPLETE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz