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Sunday was finally here and Cameron and I could not be more excited to go to our very first NFL game! I love watching Tyler play on the TV screen, I can only imagine how much better it will be to see him playing live. We eat some breakfast and get ready for the game.

As I'm helping Cameron get dressed for the game, he asks, "Hey mama, can I have some of that black stuff on my face like Tyler? I want to look like a football player!"

I smile and say, "You mean the black lines on his cheeks? Sure, baby. Let me go grab my makeup."

I walk into the bathroom and dig around my makeup bag for my eyeliner pencil. I head back into the living room and draw some thick lines underneath his eyes, just like Tyler wears for game days. I sit back and hold the mirror up for Cameron to admire my work.

"I look just like Tyler now!" He shouts in excitement.

I chuckle and say, "Yes you do! You are all set, bug! Are you excited for the game?"

He jumps up and down, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I giggle and walk back into the bathroom to finish getting ready. I clasp the necklace that Tyler got me for Christmas around my neck and fix my hair. Whitney pokes her head into the bathroom as I'm finishing my makeup.

"Hey Ali cat, are you ready to go?!" She asks while looking at me in the mirror.

"I'll be ready in 5 minutes, I promise!" I say while adding the finishing touches to my look.

Although I know he won't be able to respond, I take a selfie and send it to Tyler.

ME: I know you don't need it, but good luck today babe! I cannot wait to see you play! -XOXO.

I head back into the living room and sit on the couch next to Cameron. Just then, there was a knock at the door. It must be Blake, ready to pick us up. Whitney answers the door and invites him in.

"Hey babe, we're ready to go. Let me just grab my purse!" She says to Blake as she runs down the hallway to her room.

"Hey Ali, I just wanted to say thank you for these tickets. This is going to be such a great experience and I definitely would not be able to afford these tickets on my own." Blake says as we're waiting on Whitney.

I smile back at him, "This was all Tyler! But I'm so glad you guys are able to come with us!"

"Well either way, I appreciate it!" Blake says as Whitney walks back into the room.

I nod my head and we head out the door. We pull up to the stadium and it takes about 10 minutes to get through the crowds of people to even get to the parking garage. We finally find a space to park and head to the gates. We show the tickets to the guy at the gate and he waves some other man in a black security shirt over to us.

"Take them to section 110 please." The ticket guy says to the bigger man in the black security shirt.

The man nods his head and says, "Follow me, guys."

Whitney and I look at each other with excitement and follow behind the security guard. He leads us to the section, right on the 50 yard line. We're in the first row of seats, directly behind Tyler's team benches. Holy shit, these seats are incredible!

"Holy shit, I never imagined the day I would get to sit in seats this amazing before!" Blake shouts over the loud music and crowd.

Whitney and I smile at Blake's excitement and take our seats. Cameron's eyes look like they're going to pop out of his little face, he is so amazed right now.

"Mommy, it's so loud here!" He yells from his seat.

"Is it hurting your ears, Cam?" I ask, concerned considering the game hasn't even started yet.

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