"Okay, Jungkook, if you are still interested in communicating with Seokjin. Why don't we look at a less forceful approach? You got Bam because, well, let's just say that you wanted a dog, and that's the reason you went ahead and got one.

Anyway, I was wondering if you could hire Seokjin to start walking Bam again. You should take advantage of the fact that he is spending time with Bam so that you can show him the qualities he may not have seen when he first met you. Yoongi said that you are a good baker; therefore, maybe you could make him a treat and present it to him. Guys like Seokjin and me, we enjoy stuff like that-"

"It makes no difference to me what you like. I would ask that you not include yourself in this discussion. Now, what else do you know that Seokjin likes?"

The mouth of Hoseok was opened, and then it was closed again. After that, he said, "Wow. You are just too much. Because we don't spend a lot of time together, I don't have a good understanding of Seokjin's preferences."

"Then get to know him and tell me what you think of him. If everyone is telling me that my approaches are bad, but they are not assisting me in any way, what is the point of you telling me this? If you want to be of assistance to me, then you should assist me with Seokjin. I have an unwavering curiosity about getting to know him more. It occurred to me that I may lose interest in him after the weekend, but it seems that won't be the case. I appreciate how his demeanor is different from what I am used to since it is refreshing.

I will hire him once more for Bam, but I am unsure how getting to know him more via that experience would benefit me. Since you recommended it, are you knowledgeable about this?"

Hoseok sighed; he needed to make sure he got paid for all he was doing because this was not how he had expected to spend his day, "will I be paid for this?"

"Since this is not your job, I don't see why you are expecting to get compensated for it. Do you find that working for the company puts you without enough money?"

"A bonus would've been nice-"

"Ask your husband for extra money if you need it."

"You are disrespectful. I am assisting you in securing an opportunity with Seokjin, and you refuse to compensate me for my help. In any case, I will be of help to you since I have a kind heart. I recommend that you ask Seokjin to walk Bam once more, and while you are doing so, you should send him flowers and a short message in which you apologize and ask him to walk Bam.

According to what I've gathered, he has a soft spot in his heart for dogs, and it seems that he took a liking to Bam, so he may volunteer for the job again. Don't bother asking him any other questions than that one. The goal is to make it seem like this is all about Bam and that it has nothing to do with you in any way, shape, or form. By doing this, he will be able to accept it with the least amount of resistance."

As Jungkook listened to Hoseok, he began to think of the kind of flowers he could send to Jin. He would make sure Jin was aware that a new opportunity had been provided, along with the possibility for him to walk Bam again.

"I will send him flowers and tell him to walk Bam again."

"No, don't tell him. You should ask him. Write a nice apology, something sweet but not so sweet that it looks like you are begging. Give me the pen and paper, and I'll write it for you." Hoseok took the pen and notebook that Jungkook had.

Dear Seokjin,

I know this may come as a surprise to you, and it may be too late, but I want to say I'm sorry for how I've acted with you in the past. I did things that were wrong and went too far. I can see why you don't want to interact with me; it's understandable. I know I have lost my chance with you, and maybe I don't have a right to ask this, but I'd like to ask if you could please walk Bam again. He really likes you, and you're a great dog walker who pays close attention to Bam and cares about him. Please think about this and let me know if you'd be willing to do it.

Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Jeon Jungkook

Hoseok handed the note to Jungkook, "send that to him along with some flowers. I am sure he will respond to you."

After reading the note, Jungkook turned to face Hoseok and said, "This says nothing about him having another opportunity with me. Why is it so long? He doesn't have to complete a book to go on a date with me."

"Jungkook, it is not that long, and it is an apology that you need to deliver to him. You need to apologize to him. Thanks to this, you won't come off as the asshole that you really are."

"I am not an asshole! Be careful what you say because the things that you've said could get you fired."

"Because of this, no one can help you. The fact that you are attempting to intimidate me while at the same time requesting my help baffles my mind."

"I did not seek the assistance of this kind. I requested you to get to know Seokjin and to report back to me on the things that he enjoys doing. Understanding his character and the things that are important to him would be beneficial to me. There aren't very many specifics that I know about him. Jimin was unable to provide me with what I need, which is acceptable given that he was focused on the personal benefit of finding a partner for himself."

Hoseok suddenly felt as if this day had dragged on for an eternity.


The night he received the flowers:

"Hi, am I speaking with Kim Seokjin?"

"Thank you so much for taking my call; I am Jung Hoseok. We met before; I am not sure if you remember me. I wanted to call because I felt it was important for me to share something with you."

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