CH:78{Warmth in the Winter}

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Kenshin was standing on the roof of the Hyoudou Residence. The sun was slowly setting. He heard footsteps and turned to find Hikari. "Mom?"

"Hey." Hikari said. "Can I ask you something now that things have calmed down?"

"What's up?" Kenshin asked.

"...Is Alice pregnant?" Hikari asked.

"Yeah." Kenshin confirmed.

" that's what Azazel meant, and that would explain the weird meals she's been eating." Hikari said. "You don't seem that nervous about it anymore."

"Oh trust me, I still am." Kenshin said. "It's just more comforting to focus on getting stronger, than on something that's still months away."

"Why are you nervous to begin with?" Hikari said.

"Oh right, and you and Dad weren't nervous when you found out you'd be having twins?" Kenshin said.

"...Good point." Hikari said.

"The only person I truly have for a comparison is dead...not that I'd be able to measure up to him anyway." Kenshin said leaning over the railing pausing for a moment. "...Sorry."

"What for?" Hikari asked.

"You're a parent too, my parent specifically." Kenshin said.

"True, but I get what you're saying." Hikari said walking up next to him, leaning her back against the railing. "Ryuushin was the only parent you knew when you were still innocent."

What Kenshin didn't realize as he spoke with Hikari was that one of Kazumi's drones was watching the entire conversation, with all the house's occupants except for Yukari, Tamamo and Alice watching on the other end.

"No way, Onii-Chan's going to be a Dad?" Miyuki said with wide eyes.

"That means you're going to be an Aunt, Miyuki-San." Irina said. "Auntie Miyuki." She giggled.

"Crap, no wonder his nerves were fried." Issei said with a wince.

"That sneaky snake woman." Xenovia muttered.

"Xenovia-San..." Asia said with a sweatdrop, smiling.

"Arara...seems her highness got the step on us." Akeno said, more toward the girls interested in Kenshin.

"No kidding..." Koneko muttered

Back with Hikari and Kenshin. "Still shouldn't try to measure yourself up to him."

"Huh?" Kenshin said glancing at Hikari

"Ryuushin wouldn't want that. He always tried to teach you to be your own man didn't he?" Hikari said with a smile.

"Yeah, but he died before he could get to this part." Kenshin said letting out a sigh. "...I'm lost Mom..."

"Well she is the Demon Queen." Hikari said. "The children would be well protected."

"That doesn't matter." Kenshin said. "If not for Alice giving the Dark Goddess her power, she wouldn't be here right now and I wouldn't know until about another month from now when about several had passed in Makai...amplifying the shock to be sure." He turned to her. "When I was still innocent as you say. Dad and I, Nagi, Albireo and Arika, all of us were on the run. Even while looking for you, and by extension Yukari and Miyuki...he still found time to be a father to me and later Yukari...for those six months she was with us. He still found time to train talk to tell me about you."

"Kenshin..." Hikari said.

Kenshin turned back to the setting sun, his eyes closed. "...How am I supposed to measure up to someone like that?" He asked as a single tear slid down his right cheek.

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